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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Test This bit of nothing has been directly copy/pasted from a Word document. Edit: I made the above in Abiword and saved it as .doc in W10. This is a copy/paste test from Notepad. Ophiolite. Might be some fault with the Clipboard. Try doing it in Notepad. If so, then it's a Clipboard problem. Reinstalling Word is the solution if Notepad works.
  2. Nearly instantaneous is still slower than simultaneous.
  3. Silicone isn't sticky so maybe one based on that might suit your purpose.
  4. GPS and on-board Ordnance Survey maps should solve that obstacle
  5. Another way to help instil it into memory is to simultaneously engage as many senses as possible in your repetition. Speak what you are reading so that your ears are receiving the input as well and write it at the same time... you are then using ears, touch (muscle memory), and eyes as input channels.and that should instil better concentration as well. Thanks. Interest is important otherwise rote learning really is the only option,. The only time I do the latter is telephone numbers. I write it 5 times, saying each number as I do so. That usually nails it permanently into memory. That's a good way to extend the metaphor.
  6. Well, we have GR/SR and scientists are working on a quantum theory that will encompass the former; the model changes. If spacetime was an entity it would be immutable, just like a tree is a tree.
  7. It's mathematical model based on physical measurements
  8. Anecdotally, I've had some some insights into schizophrenic-type voices, paranoia and hallucinations via chronic drug use. The difference though is that I had the memory of knowing what 'normal' was, so, i was able to rationalise that they were drug-induced and would eventually pass. I think cannabis is very under-rated for causing paranoia, which is, I think, a major precursor to voices and hallucinations. The difference, I think, between your examples and the clinically diagnosed is that the latter experiences it to a pathological degree and can't function properly, either with themselves and/or those around them. There are probably many people with it that fall under the radar because they don't cause major problems to themselves or those around them.
  9. LOL! Easier to get in all the nooks and crannies.
  10. For me, the key to remembering is understanding the underlying principles which are like the branches of a tree and the leaves are the details. If you don't have the branches you've got nowhere to put the leaves and hence you can't find them easily when you need them because they are scattered all around in your memory in a disorganised manner.
  11. The surface treatments seems very common in the fetish market, so perhaps its not actually a durable or permanent finish, or even a direct feature of the latex because the gloss is actually a surface additive... a bit like buying shoes where one is expected to polish them with some preparation.
  12. Maybe using an aftermarket gloss preparation for latex is the solution: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Health-Personal-Care/beGLOSS-Perfect-Shine-Premium-Spray/B01BLMI7OG
  13. In the short term humans are better but as AI advances they will respond as we would because we designed them and they wouldn't have the spontaneous urge to do non-driving behaviours. The road into the future is a long one and they aren't going away. I think this particular technology will bring out the inner Luddite out in people for a fair while. AI reflects our own abilities and will only become more like us, and better, as time rolls on.
  14. Who said anything about love and affection? If you have doubts what's the f-ing point? Are you going to ask for guidance from something you don't trust?
  15. As far as certain vehicle behaviours go, I would imagine there will be a consortium to standardise certain common emergency maneuvers so such conflicts can be avoided where possible. The difference between AI and humans is that they will continually read the road and can anticipate earlier; they are not distracted. In principle, I think they are better drivers. Don't forget, as more of these vehicles come on the road the more standardised and predictable the traffic will be. Say there's an accident in fog up the motorway, an AV could detect situations that humans can't and could also respond to a signal transmitted by other cars having problems; pile-ups could be rarer with them This is some distance in the future but plausible I think. The advent of AVs will create new problems but the net number of road accidents could drop by a large margin.
  16. Accepting evidence and having schizophrenia seems to be a contradiction that can't be reconciled, unfortunately. It's probably like me telling you the sky is green and the grass is blue; that is my reality. That is what my sensory inputs tell me.
  17. Autonomous cars won't: ogle the woman across the street, use mobile phones, smoke, drink drive, drug drive, get road rage....potential accident stats looking better already just with those. Total road accident figures will plummet.
  18. That's one scenario that is in the melting pot.
  19. If in doubt ignore it. Life is what you make it. Why risk wasting it that you might just be a pawn. An ominiscient mind will never treat you as an equal because you are not.
  20. But each level is not getting denser, it's getting bigger with greater distances in between.
  21. Have you considered saltwater and uv acting in combination on the rubber? I read that the cracking is the long polymers cleaving into shorter chains.
  22. Sorry. If you look I joined up the the link twice. http://aem.asm.org/content/71/6/2803.full
  23. Rubber is biodegradeable in the right conditions,so, if you have some rubber being affected by the bacteria that do this it seems feasible that they could migrate to uninfected stuff in the vicinity and affect that. Edit: Use link in next post.
  24. They can be when the line is blurred between what a person thinks exists and what is an artifact of their own thoughts i.e. a product of their imagination seems to actually exist to them independent of themselves. This is a characteristic of schizophrenia, is it not?
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