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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Yes, the BBC are vortexing down the intelligence and impartiality plughole, but hey, they are still a major conduit for official/scientific announcements.
  2. Imagine you could go back in time 4.6 billion years and take a picture of our Sun just as it was being born. What would it look like? Well, you can get a clue from this glorious new image acquired by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Towards the centre of this object, called HH212, is a star coming into existence that is probably no more than 50,000 years old. The scene would have looked much the same when our Sun was a similar age. You can't actually see the glow from the protostar itself because it's hidden within a dense, spinning disc of gas and dust. All you get are the pinky-red jets that it's shooting out in polar opposite directions. HH212 is sited in Orion, close to the three brilliant stars that make up the "belt" of the mythical hunter that gives the constellation its name. The distance from Earth is about 1,300 light-years. Physics suggests those dramatic outflows of gas are the means by which the nascent star regulates its birthing. "As the blobby ball of gas at the centre compacts down, it rotates. But if it rotates too fast, it will fly apart, so something has to get rid of the angular momentum," explained Prof Mark McCaughrean...... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-67243772
  3. Best thing is a search engine for each concept and it will keep you current. Institute for the Study of War will give a running record of what's going on in the major conflicts atm. If you track the conflicts that interest you, you can jump in and gradually pick up the military lingo and see the right context.
  4. Predictable. A lot of groups/countries have an interest.
  5. MTZ is an important drug with pretty wide applications for a drug from what I can see. Maybe that adds to a systemic reluctance to probe deeper, given decisions are based on cost-benefit we bang on about. Even there, it's not the mtz causing the cancer, is it?. The mtz kills the microbiome, then the gut is open to anything carcinogenic.
  6. Do you feel this drug is getting too much of a pass regarding the cancer risk?
  7. Isn't the acid-test for efficacy and safety about how many people it helps vs doesn't?
  8. This is a Chinese vessel though, so we don't know if they are kitted out to the same principles as NATO's.
  9. Could H2S have evolved from leaking human-waste tanks?
  10. The new House speaker is supported by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). They have a plum lobbying position with him on their debit card, then. They've popped $25000 in his political account, so far.
  11. My reference is the Israeli far right and what they've said. They have their fingers in these pies, so that's worst it can theoretically be... which has to be accounted for. The sensible Israelis are the not currently the squeaky wheels that are needed to placate this situation.
  12. I'm sure he will. Israel's actions are predictable from their policies. They're only interested in ethnically-cleansing the area. Pretty obvious, really.
  13. One of the ideas being floated by an Israeli Ministry is dumping the Gazans in Egypt. This policy idea was drafted Oct 13th. Nakba 2023 coming to a screen near you soon, it looks like.
  14. 80 is old, however you spin it. Why do SC judges and politicians get a pass to retire when then like... are they immortal? This applies anywhere. I am quite cogent of the effects of aging. With old age can emerge belligerence and self-denialism, especially in public-facing positions. This is not intended as a slight on what Biden has done, but an acknowledgement of that we wear out. We reach a point where we can't see the wood for the trees. I've just observed a friend's mother over the last years decline and die of Alzheimer's, so human mental fragility has been quite to the fore in my recent experience.
  15. Looking over the internet, the weight of support for Gazans is pretty high, so I think most thoughtful people are on high alert to geopolitical chicanery from LIkud et al.
  16. Yes, I agree, but what I meant was the current active suppression of communication utilities by Israel on Gaza from Palestinians to rest of the world.
  17. Who has the upperhand on the news atm? The less we hear from Gaza, via power/media cuts and physical obstruction, the optics look better for the Israelis because they gain control of the media narrative. The relative quality of either sides media output is like comparing 4k to 675 lines of old TV.
  18. I did read somewhere that Biden needed to 'look the part' and seemed to admit as much when the subject came to light some time ago.
  19. Like my avatar, I shall be forever 50.
  20. Everything is designed for the particular mission, dealing with the various Delta V's (velocity changes) in that mission. Lot's of Delta V's means lots of fuel, as Janus points out.
  21. Right. We need to be realistic about our frailties as we get older. I think there needs to be a mandatory maximum line drawn in the sand. The SC is even more concerning in this regard imo. Concerning Bide, considerable efforts are apparently made to accommodate Biden's deceasing mobility. He can't just jump on a plane anymore. Make no mistake, I'd still sooner see him Pres than Trump, but on a wider, long-term, systemic level, it wants addressing. Vanity and the desire to maintain relevance in the public arena can blind one to ones personal shortcomings that have crept up over the years. I think Biden is in that position.
  22. It possibly is when one is in denial and carries on regardless.
  23. Looking at the age thing: there needs to be a maximum age for prospective politicians. I find it quite sad that people, including Biden, are surgically altering their apparent age and being allowed to whither ( e.g. D. Feinsten) until they are mentally and physically incompetent.
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