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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. "This is my stall and this is what I'm offering".
  2. The world, as you know, is not perfect and there will always be the "Me too" people who like latching onto people they perceive as the leader of the pack; parroting just for something to say without considering the effect it may have on the person being critiqued. In truth though, if one aspires to eventually present leading-edge work, and is in the learning phase, one needs to get used to it. Science is not immune from bitching... I would imagine. If you can't ride through the scenario you have presented what chance do you have in the real world of professional research?
  3. Where'd you get that idea from, especially when 'space' is in its name?
  4. Space is what you measure: volume
  5. The biggest error new members, with an idea they come up with, make is not familiarising themselves with the territory i.e. forum first before presenting their idea. If I came up with an idea, I know what to expect and what is expected of me because I've been here a while.
  6. No problem there, the mods and members are, it seems, in constant dialogue and angst about how this place is run. If even half the the things were true that people say about this site were true I wouldn't be here. I'm not afraid to speak my mind and will, no matter the upset it might cause, but have not seen any endemic, persistent problems with the management of this site since 2009 when I started here. Yes, there is the odd "Ouch!" moment when things could have been handled better but, hey, C'est la vie and you are, after all, volunteers. What matters is the spirit and intent of the site's owners and the mods; it's sound imo.
  7. The culture of scientific discussion is to present an idea and have it analysed by your audience which involves criticism. It is not the role of ones peers to help ones idea come to fruition. Many people not versed in this style are offended when none is intended, it's just the way peer review works. It's usually apparent when one person is doing as you say because it will stand out out in contrast to other comments. The fact is though that the failure rate here to get a workable idea is 100%. SFN is a platform for learning rather than a place for presenting new ideas and if you do present an idea, expect to be held up to some sharp, dispassionate critique.
  8. Two things can't be in the same place at the same time but they can at different times, so time exists independent of mind.
  9. Thought so, cheers.
  10. The observer would feel an acceleration wouldn't they?
  11. I find it odd that supporters of cannabis legislation cite medical research supporting it's efficacy for medical purposes as though that adds weight to it being ok for recreational purposes.
  12. But there is nothing stopping the layman learning the language of the scientist.
  13. That's OK, I knew the convention. I think I need to get ahead of him a bit so I'll start learning it now. I'll try Khan Academy out. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/circuits-topic
  14. The value of a resistor is fixed and will affect the values of the other two parameters? I've sat down with my nephew tonight and explained what I did from the help I've had here. This is one area I'm quite ignorant about really. Can you recommend a book on this subject that will explain from first principles? I did buy The Art of Electronics many years ago but it was too heavy on the maths for me at the time IIRC.
  15. It is a skill to recognise which mode to use and when. My ethos is to speak in the language of the listener, otherwise you might as well stay slilent. If a subject can't be expressed in layman's language I think it's better to just say that it can't be expressed in such terms without losing something important.
  16. Where do I get the current reading from: A2 or A4?
  17. Yes, Thanks for the clarification. Do I need to take R2, R3 and A4 into consideration to find the resistance of R2?
  18. Cheers. What is the resistance of R2 when the voltage is 12v? How do I work that one out?
  19. so, A4 is A2 + A3 and A5 is A1 + A2 + A3?
  20. It can mean alot when you've been isolated long enough.
  21. My 13 year old nephew has asked me to help with his science homework on electricity, which I'm not familiar with. Can you explain what I need to know. It would have helped if i knew what book he was working from but doesn't have one apparently. Click image to enlarge.
  22. This is is a science forum, therefore, it is natural for us to see things that we discuss through the "lens" of the scientific method and expect participants here to do, or at least attempt, the same approach. "When in Rome...".
  23. So, where's the evidence? If the NIH isn't conclusive about it how can you be? It's conclusion:
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