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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Let's hope he finds changing things as difficult as Obama has, even with all the Republican votes he has behind him. I'm hoping reality and the stiffness/slowness/resistance of the political machinery to change will slow it down enough so that not too much change in the Republican favour occurs over the next four years.
  2. I think it's whether the bacteria are dispersed throughout the media or attached to the surface of the media. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=pCJpAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA105&lpg=PA105&dq=attached+growth+digesters+vs+dispersed+growth+digesters&source=bl&ots=Lqj022adbb&sig=Kx4Jl8JHWQRRnqTnpx1BWOysoto&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3lsDR5NjQAhWBiywKHctHAoEQ6AEIKzAC#v=onepage&q=attached%20growth%20digesters%20vs%20dispersed%20growth%20digesters&f=false
  3. I don't think you need to identify the plants but the kind of environment they reside in. They are responsible for controlling the movement of gases in and of the leaf. I think the most important one in this case will be water vapour. In a humid environment would a plant require more or less dense stomate distribution to control its water balance? In a dry environment would a plant require more or less stomate distribution to control it's water balance?
  4. I think you should ignore what you've bee told because it is certainly not part of conventional American ethics or anywhere else as far as I know. Perhaps they from some religious, American-based sect.
  5. No, because its true; the observable universe is observer-dependent. It is a sphere around the observer. For someone standing on a planet in Andromeda galaxy, his centre will be 2.5m LYRS from yours and will extend that distance from you and vice versa.
  6. Calling him ignorant is judging. And that's not denial?
  7. I I don't think he is ignorant I think he is in denial because of the costs; he's been coming here too long not to know the evidence.
  8. You are wrong in conflating 'incomplete' with 'wrong'. All theories are incomplete in some way. The most important aspect of a theory is it's utility; complete or otherwise.
  9. I get the humour but, no, not necessarily. Prostate massage is a form of sexual stimulation that need not involve an erection.
  10. You can always go smaller whatever value you set just as you can always use a higher number in infinity.
  11. It must be lovely to see the world in nice, clear, vibrant black and white tones, like a young person, instead of the dirty-grey mess that we see.
  12. It's still to vague for me to understand.
  13. Fail. You've just repeated everything you asserted before. If time wasn't there nothing can move because speed is d/t. If nothing can move no things can interact.
  14. Yes, it's hard to pack climate change into a sound-bite.
  15. You are talking out of a dark place.
  16. No, it needs to be a non-zero value which is what it means; vanishingly small but not zero.
  17. Can you explain? Can you expand? A person that doesn't would be going against societal norms expectations and I think just about everybody has a history of it. What society dictates and the population actually does are two different things. Who are you made to suffer by; it is a private act and how will they know?
  18. In this context 'fantasy' is a euphemism for masturbation. People get embarrassed using that word. I wouldn't call it unethical because no substantial harm is done
  19. Scientists don't do proof; they do evidence. Certainty is not a word used in the scientific lexicon; proofs only exist in maths.
  20. Repetition does not increase the authority of your argument; you need evidence.
  21. The singularity of GR is infinitely dense not massive.
  22. You're just jealous
  23. No problem.
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