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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Seems like an incongruous set of characteristics to me.
  2. It'sgoing to be interesting viewing to see how the reality of being POTUS affects him.
  3. It's one thing to get two people to agree but 7 billion?
  4. This is one thing only age and experience can teach you: the necessity to keep your life interesting. The journey is more important than the destination. Interestingly, it seems to me, that achieving financial stability, fulfilling career ambitions, having family and all the other things that go with that success can make you older in your attitude and behaviour compared to someone of the same age who has yet to achieve those things; the latter is still on that journey...
  5. I think subjective pace of time is down to how varied your life is from day to day. When you are young things are new and fresh, and your knowledgebase is constantly being updated with new information and experiences. As you get older the rate at which you experience/absorb these becomes less frequent and when you get into about your thirties one is usually in a firm life routine. Everyday is pretty much the same, interspersed by the odd interesting, tragic, happy etc i.e. memorable, experience. When you say "Blimey,, it only seems like yesterday when..." you are forgetting about the mundane, routine periods in between the memorable moments and life, up to that point you have this thought, seems so much shorter than it actually was. If you feel this way a lot it's time to start proactively doing things that are likely to be memorable; break up your routine and time will seem slower because you have more memorable things packed into any particular period of time of your life to look back on; your life will seem more fulfilling and interesting when you look back. There may be a biological element involved where your metabolism slows down with age and, hence, everything around you seems to move/happen more quickly than when you were younger but I think my first comment is the major factor.
  6. AFAIK 1 and 2 are the wrong kind of motion - ignoring how small they are - as it needs to be spherically and massively asymmetric to create a 'wobble' in spacetime. Two mutually orbiting blackholes with differing masses have the required asymmetries.
  7. I think the title would have been more appropriate for Margaret Thatcher if she were the subject. She seemed to assume some masculine elements in her professional persona.
  8. So you had to share it with us. Thanks. Yes, some things are best left unknown. Sometimes you could just nut the table...
  9. I think you need to tell us where you got these assumptions from.
  10. I think he means all degrees. I know people now with degrees that would not have been degree material in the 70's.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_1604925361&feature=iv&src_vid=kGEG4JiOqew&v=voqCQSDAcn8
  12. The great pyramid was a whimsy to honour and contain a dead person. There was no NEED to build anything that big for that period of time.
  13. Flies per se is a bit too general in hindsight. Possibly, could there be some other chemical cue needed with the carbon dioxide, in either case, to attract each type to their desired target, say gaseous sulphides, in the the case of flies that like rotting stuff?
  14. ^^^^^ This!!! It's all about sounding like you know what you are talking about.... mostly. Anecdote: After filling in many application forms, about twenty five years ago, I said to my mother "This application form is full of bullshit" and she replied "Well, you've been honest all your life, let's see where this gets you." I got the job. I might add that I lied by omission than tall stories to 'smooth' the gaps.
  15. Yes, shouting and waving your arms is the best way to keep the little critters swarming around you because it increases the size and concentration of CO2 you mix in the air around you.
  16. You only need one contaminated plate wiped with a tea towel to contaminate the rest. Basically, by not using one you are restricting the opportunities for cross-contamination. Rinsing with very hot water, as fiveworlds said, is the most hygenic way to dry them quickly.
  17. I think of PhDs as knowing an awful lot about about a little, so I imagine it's quite easy to be out of the required knowledge and skillset employment-wise. If you are good at presenting your skillset as relevant to other jobs that's good but not everybodyhas that ability. I hate to agree. As currency for employment , a degree has diminished.
  18. Yes, probably. Wiki says it's the first promotional video that made that style a regular thing. It was certainly a first to me. On UK's Top of the Pops, people were expected to mime perform on it when they reached No.1 and Queen couldn't make it due to prior commitments. To fill in their absence they made that video for TOTPs... it was the first for that, which was unheard of, I think, at the time. This is my memory, as a 13 year old at the time.
  19. Find out how long this guy has been at his job. Find out if there are any rumours or expressions of unease in this area with this guy. If he's been at it for years and you don't find any substantive stuff about him, chillout and love your children. The headlines are about other people not him. Just get your paternity test and be done but I think you are fretting over nothing.
  20. Right. I don't know if this is OT but shouldn't more attention be paid to archival durability rather than increasing data density at this point. It all seems so fragile and transient, and everything needs moving to the latest greatest storage technology every so often but none seems more durable than papyrus and burnt wood or rock and ochre paint , of which the latter which have lasted 40 000 years.... and counting.
  21. Total novice here, but when you lose a bit of analogue it will still run but when you lose a bit of binary it's all buggered isn't it? I'm thinking of a bit music tape recording or a photo; basically you get drop-outs of data but the next bit will still run.
  22. Ah, the first pop music video and it's still great.
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