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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. You might as well include everything. Time is not special. Why are you singling it out amongst parameters?
  2. Indeed. Leave intellectuality at home and put the boots on. If possible.
  3. I agree, It's pretty much as I would expect.
  4. I lived my childhood in a 'bought' house surrounded by three council estates so I was 'posh' as a kid. I now live in the most desirable of the three, Most people have bought their homes where I live so the demographic spans the whole gamut from smackheads to architects and engineers. The style of my language changes according to where I am; when in Rome...
  5. It depends on where the bully is from. If he's from an an anarchic council estate then, generally, beating them up is the way to go and embarrassment of being found out by their peers about having been beat up will usually mean they keep their mouth shut; the police is not an option for them.
  6. I would guess budding Galileos that come to this site say that or allude to that about once a week... They don't know what they don't know and anything seems possible when you don't know as much as those that do know.
  7. Yeah, none of the usual razor edges there. He's slipping. Seriously, some people just can't handle errors being pointed out when it's not delivered in cotton wool.
  8. No. When you put your ruler away does length disappear and yet length is what rulers measure;
  9. Just give the message to Dr Who, I'm sure he'll deliver it to 2006 for you.
  10. No, because people don't ask that question and yet they think time is somehow different. It's a parameter; no more, no less. So, time is not happening when there is no process?
  11. If two objects of different masses simultaneously start falling towards the planet they will arrive at the same? If the same two objects were dropped at different times the reaction of the planet would make a difference to the measured times i.e, they would be different because the reaction between the larger object and the planet would be greater; the planet will move towards the larger object a little more/faster than the smaller one? Hope that makes sense.
  12. No. I'll go for matter of trust because if that's not there babies are not on the cards. My point was that I was dealing with it originally as an interpersonal issue and that's what I was highlighting when I should have been looking at it with no personal involvement.
  13. To be part of the decision-makling process. Is that unreasonable? I wouldn't be with a woman that was unlikely to consider my feelings in the matter anyway so it's a moot question. Babies are teamwork.in my book.
  14. If it's my baby, yes.
  15. My earlier contributions were in the context of me having a hand in the pregnancy which alters when viewed generally without personal involvement. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/100604-womens-rights-and-their-bodies/?p=955749
  16. Perhaps she will reflect....
  17. In post 77 I wrote:
  18. I'm not going to add anymore because I don't think it will be productive in this instance but I will say sign off and say: no rights are absolute, there's always caveats somewhere.
  19. I've put the images here for you:
  20. interesting viewpoint
  21. Being surrounded by strangers is as effective as know one near in terms of privacy.
  22. Ironically, a thing you lose in the sticks is privacy even though the population density is much less; more people know your business and scandals. Anonymity is more likely to be found within a crowd.
  23. The same could be said for all the other parameters. How come time dilation exists, which has to be compensated for in the GPS system, if time is just an invention? If time didn't exist there would be no motion because speed is d/t. If two cars drove into the exact same spatial co-ordinates at the same moment they would crash yet they can occupy the same spatial co-ordinates if they arrive at different times.
  24. In these sorts of discussions it's advisable to ask what our agendas are. For some reason, prior to my edit in my last post, I was reminded of an oft-spoken question by a social worker I was assigned to during my drug rehabilitation days in our many discussions on societal issues. She would ask "...and what personal agenda are you working from?". It makes a big difference what answers you come up with.
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