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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. You are coming across as deliberately obtuse.
  2. Are you taking the piss?
  3. Lesson for 2016: Never underestimate an electorate's capacity for collective stupidity.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. koti
    3. jimmydasaint


      I don't know but I think democracy has a way to balance against extreme politics. Watch and see...

    4. StringJunky


      Yes, Jimmy, it's not easy to change what's already been put in place. The civil servants, if it's the same as here, will no doubt make him aware of the consequences of his policies. To out US members: is that the case?

  4. Yeah, I'm getting that thought.
  5. Swansont is your man for that one.
  6. Yes. It's no different to using the sun as a clock. Anything that changes predictably can be used as a clock.
  7. A virus could hitch a lift on an aerosol droplet from a sneeze that occurred a hundred metres away and give the new host a cold; it's an effect occurring between two or more objects
  8. Give me a shiny, hard, little sweet, tell me it's a 1000mg paracetamol and my headache will be gone in five. Probably, the hypnotic effect is the placebo effect. The power of placebo should not be dismissed.
  9. It can't be be done and I never meant what I said to be extrapolated to the whole US electorate.
  10. The Bupropion was part of smoking cessation which is now officially over and it's a matter of my body now going back to normal without it. No medical advice is being sought. I'm just tapping for information. I'm just interested in the blood pressure side and the cholesterol if that affects BP. My total cholesterol was about 3 prior to Hep C Tx and that went up to 8+ during ribavirin + interferon-A-2b Tx in Dec '15 and is now aound 5.8. Is there any possible relationship there?
  11. This is an academic question but I was interested to note my diastolic pressure rose from 60-65 to 80-90 during Zyban treatment. My systolic has been around 120 + /- 10. I have a BP monitor that I used everyday for a while. I've stopped the Bupropion a week now and just watching to see if my bp goes back to 120/60 with a resting pulse of 60-65. Typical at the moment is 130/88. This is with a minimum of 32km a day cycling. My BMI is at the top end of normal (about 24,8) and was wondering if a lower BMI would be better but I like being heavier. This is why I asked about weight being a factor. I'm taking an interest in my physical and functional statistics having reached my fifties and hypertension is a strong family trait; warfarin is common. I want to avoid that fate. I'm just trying to understand the factors and relationships between them atm.
  12. Does more bodyweight affect it and, if so, what is the mechanism by which it raises it? Can drugs like antidepressants raise it and, if so, how?
  13. Coming off Zyban with SAD... happy days

  14. The definition of insanity: doing the the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I can understand, and even support, your view with a person that is an unknown quantity but not with someone with a well-etched track record of thinking and responding a certain way.
  15. You mentioned it once and I've never forgotten it. Rather irrefutable logic on the macro level, it seems.
  16. Two massive objects cannot occupy the same spatial co-ordinates at the same time but they can at different times.
  17. Despite knowing what certain long-time members are generally like I will pat them on the back when I agree with them; I consider myself fair with my contempt and praise and will dish both out with the same enthusiam and sincerity.
  18. AliExpress.
  19. If the mods deem to allow it. It is not a democracy. Sometimes dictatorships are good when run by the right people. Benevolent dictatorships are the way to go on a forum.
  20. Just trying to...
  21. Look at it positively: if Trump screws it up big time in the next four years the democrats will have a good long stretch next time around.
  22. You are entitled to your opinion but why waste time reading bollocks? Why is it more productive... they just get their arse kicked and learn nothing. It's not cute speaking your mind when it hurts people and the ulterior motive is just that.
  23. Only if people listen, otherwise you would be pissing into the wind.
  24. Agreed but beyond a certain point a foetus becomes a person and that that right to decide needs to be waived unless it is a medical necessity. Responsible men should have rights over the destiny of their child too. They can have as much invested in them as the mother.
  25. Right. That's good because he was pretty special in that genre, imo anyway. I have an expensive acoustic guitar and can play one tune on it. I bought it just to do that.
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