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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Thanks. I had to relapse on my sugar in coffee because I needed the buzz but it won't be a problem to to stop once this is over. For some reason sugar-free coffee gave me very strong taste taste for a cigarette and felt I had to relent in order to succeed at giving up smoking. I'm having quite a heavy time mentally with two or three issues atm but I'm not going for the fags which convinces me I'm nearly there. It was nice and productive to get feedback from you all. I think it made a difference. I'm getting my hit from cycling 20 miles or so nearly everyday; it calms me.
  2. I've come to the realisation that I'm not mentally or physically desiring a cigarette anymore. I can sit chilled without having to have a smoke. This is a tentative result though because I'm still very much medicated with Zyban but I think I've turned a corner mentally and am pretty positive I can see this through to a relaxed state of continued abstention. I currently tapering off Zyban and meant to take one a day for a couple of weeks but I'm going to stop any day now. Thanks to everybody who responded to my thread and putting me in the right frame of mind and approach. You've been a big help.
  3. She sounds like Klaus Meine right down to the little inflections.... she does to my deaf ears anyway. She's great.
  4. Precocious young lady; super voice.
  5. I think Teletubbies caused concern because they didn't talk properly and young children emulated them resulting in poor early speaking skills, apparently. I have watched many Teletubbies and Thomas the Tank Engine videos multiple times; Ringo Starr is a great storyteller.
  6. I know what you mean but I Iike to feel it all sometimes, even the more melancholy side of people's thoughts like those two you put up. And now for something completely different... let's dance!:
  7. Bambi should have been banned; look at the number of children that burst into tears with that film. My biggest misconception was believing that, deep down, everybody was nice. I realised later that over niceness is just a veneer for people to get something out of you.
  8. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. koti


      It was different but very similar to the one you posted above. I saw it on a bike parked in front of work, didnt take a photo.

    3. Moontanman


      I guess I am lucky, I tried smoking, always made me very sick!

    4. StringJunky


      It's a good job it did Moon.

  9. We are the wrong people to be asking. We discuss science, amongst other things, purely as an intellectual endeavour and we aren't equipped to dispense advice or even how to take your feelings into consideration when we express our knowledge and thoughts. You need someone conversant in head trauma to talk to you. If I were you, I would be looking for that kind of person.
  10. I think there is an element of serendipity necessary in the sense that two people are at compatible stages in their lives when they meet and have some degree of synchronisation in the timing of where they both want to go. Two people can be essentially compatible but the timing can be totally wrong because they are looking in different directions at that particular point in time. It's got to be worked at more than the rather unrealistic idea that two people will meld naturally into a functional unit without effort , as in made for each other, soulmate etc. In the practical sense you need to just jump in and try different people out that interest you, taking each experience to its natural conclusion. With each new experience you'll narrow down what you want. You are very unlikely to hit the bullseye in the first go or three.
  11. It bears no resemblance to reality. These are just content-free stream-of-consciousness musings. It looks like they make sense superficially but on minor inspection it's vacuous and meaningless.
  12. You need to find out the molar mass of the compound, which is in grams, and multiply that by the number of moles given. You then multiply that result with the left side of the sum. The molar mass is the combined atomic mass, expressed directly in grams, of each element in a compound.
  13. Do you know what a mole is? See if you can work the problem out with this definition of a mole:
  14. Many times I have been happy in my own company so I would disagree.
  15. In one of Sensei's links to the manufacturer site they advise calling them so you are probably right.
  16. Thanks Sensei. I'm happy with it now. I've encrypted H: with Diskcryptor and it's fine. I'm not bothered about F:. I'm only playing ande can easily get another stick. What would you say was the most reliable brand of USB sticks? It's quite cool the program is. When the stick is not mounted and if someone stuck it in, all they will see is an option to format the drive because their is no recognised file system on it; it just reads RAW in Explorer. Mount it with DiskCryptor and the contents are all there. Will try encrypting the laptop next.
  17. Here's a reply from an expert on strokes. Worth reading his whole answer:
  18. If push comes to shove when it comes to time, focus on the principles more than the details because they just tend to follow naturally when you've got the principles down. If principles are the cake, details are the icing. Details are then much easier to remember because you know where to put them in your mind because you know their relevance in relation to the principles which you hang the details on. This is how my mind works if it's of any use to you.
  19. No, I think it might have had some sort of Integral software in it; maybe locking software perhaps.
  20. I'm SAD.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Moontanman


      I get SAD as well, DST stops tomorrow night, still warm here but the day length messes with me too, make me sleepy and tired all the time..

    3. StringJunky


      Yep, that's it, torpidity sets in... mind ends up like walking through treacle.

    4. Function


      koti, let alone pre-parties ;)

  21. Yes, Buckley sings like he meant it. Love that Cash track; the sound is luscious around his voice and good lyrics too. Both are a bit heavy in the message department. I listened to them through my earphones and the soundscapes were great.
  22. Thanks. Whilst responding to you I managed to create a 'new simple volume' in the larger second disk/partition. There's still the 2mb disk which it seems now that it held a MBR; it was labeled that at one point whilst messing about with it. It's disk 1 and 2 in the image. When I plug the stick in it still says "Please insert disk in F....". I can cancel it and use H but I'm going to get F popping up everytime, asking to insert a disk.
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