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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Thanks. Whilst responding to you I managed to create a 'new simple volume' in the larger second disk/partition. There's still the 2mb disk which it seems now that it held a MBR; it was labeled that at one point whilst messing about with it. It's disk 1 and 2 in the image. When I plug the stick in it still says "Please insert disk in F....". I can cancel it and use H but I'm going to get F popping up everytime, asking to insert a disk.
  2. I tried to remove two partitions, listed as disk F and G. I deleted the contents first and then tried to get rid of them but no luck. If I try to format them they just come up "Windows was unable to format...". If I click on the partitions in Windows Explorer it says "Please insert a disk into F". It thinks it's a CD drive. I want to get rid of the partitions and just have one. Stick is an Integral usb 2.0.
  3. Funny how songs sound stronger when they've gone.
  4. At about 5 years old my mother told me babies "Came out of Mummies tummy" and at some point my mother showed me a programme of just that; a Caeserean section. I believed this for about 6 years until I was 12... and then found out. I was quite upset that my mother lied to that extent.
  5. You might this pdf useful. http://ahs.arabcityschools.org/ourpages/auto/2016/5/27/49755078/Tips%20for%20learning%20Ions.pdf A sample: Here's the Google search page I used: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Tips+for+Learning+the+Ions
  6. I don't know if this is relevant that I learnt from reading stuff by luthiers, is that those pinholes might be 'fisheyes' which, they say, is caused by silicone spots on the wood prior to spraying the lacquer. If you use silicone polish or such normally then you need to be fastidious about it not contaminating the wood prior to spraying. You can get an additive that prevents fish-eyes - it's actually pure silicone apparently. I copied this response by a woodworker: Note: It is possible to carry silicone on your hands from home onto your work; it is in a lot of products and its source may not be immediately obvious.
  7. Probably somebody sulking having a little stampy-feety session
  8. Just as we may think America is not stupid enough to vote for Trump.
  9. I think there's some neuroplasticity.
  10. Right. Just looked them up: Is it known how the brain, or nervous system in general, 'remembers' how it needs to be to restore a damaged neural section? Or is it that progenitor cells just do what they do in response to some chemical signal and re-connections just happen?
  11. Thought so.
  12. Yeah, that's a better way to put it
  13. Was the post-war baby boom global? I only thought, erroneously probably, that it was a UK phenomenon. I haven't googled it yet.
  14. But doesn't that mean, if pathways are damaged the brain will attempt to form new pathways to maintain function in that part that would be rendered dysfunctional in their absence?
  15. My paternal roots are Geordie but it is quite common in the Midlands. It's not suitable for usage by a person who swans around in the "upper echelons" of society.
  16. You might be familiar with "Nebby", being a Norther.
  17. Thank you.
  18. You are clearly not unintelligent but you are deluding yourself that you are holding a correct conversation in English. Your life here will be far more fruitful if you speak English in the way which you understand, complete with its faults. We are quite patient and are happy to show you the way to speaking properly if you try. Açıkça akılsız değil ama sen İngilizce doğru konuşma tutan kendinizi deluding vardır. onun hatalarına ile tam anlamak şekilde, İngilizce konuşmak Hayatın burada burada çok daha verimli olacaktır. Biz oldukça sabırlı ve size çalışırsanız düzgün konuşma yol göstermek için mutluyuz.
  19. He was being nosey.
  20. I think tentative moves have been made in that direction with some reputable organisations. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/reports/thenhsif/what-if-every-patient-were-to-have-their-genome-mapped/?gclid=CjwKEAjwnebABRCjpvr13dHL8DsSJABB-ILJ_54FTt4xREU0p6A5HUw_oxpo2-b0kuex-KZmYANazRoCefXw_wcB
  21. My vocabulary just increased by one word.
  22. I realised that and that's why I said it. It's easy to forget to mention the little intermediate steps when you are used to doing something, especially with computers.
  23. I agree completely, in the absence of any personally defined meaning. Life is what you make it.
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