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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I agree with Strange: effort reinforces information retention.
  2. We don't know what gravity is but it is described classically by GR as though space was curved; it is a model. Scientists only have numbers to play with and from those numbers they see patterns and in them they see curvature. The next model, when it's finally sorted, will describe gravity as mediated by virtual particles. You can only go so far with visualising thisf and it becomes necessary to learn the mathematical descriptions.
  3. Stuff like this is better done in private. Pm a mod.
  4. In all fairness to Ophiolite, it is a spammy title of the type we see here everyday; a sentence portion used as a thread title.
  5. I need a fag.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. StringJunky


      How did we get from "I need a fag" to discussing viral dimensions?! :D

    3. koti


      I have an answer but I won't give it. I can only say that it's my doing :)

    4. Raider5678
  6. I accept what you are saying and I know that's the latest conclusion but I was trying to get Airbrush to picture a kind of overlying geometry where you can't just travel outwards, straight to the edge of the "whole" universe, regardless of whether it's flat. torus or saddle; you are ultimately forced to follow that 'shape'. if that makes sense?
  7. Yes, I have conceded that in absolute terms it has health risks. No, I was looking at the question from a different perspective - from the perspective of harm reduction. You pulled me saying the the question was about absolute harm, which I have conceded. What's dishonest about that? Selectively bolding quotes is dishonest when it detracts from the authors intent which is what I pulled you up for.
  8. That's totally misquoting the intention of the authors which is *dishonest but I'll go along with that vaping is harmful in the absolute sense. * I can't believe you even suggested it should be bolded like that given that you are, apparently, a scientist.
  9. People are not insects. Good luck with actually eating 1 cigarette, let alone 30. Sorry mate... FAIL!!!
  10. I don't know if this will make it harder for you but straight lies only exist at our scale of existence and observation. i.e local. If you look at lines at BLYR scales - global - straight lines or possible paths/trajectories start curving and it's not possible to travel in a straight line, as we know it, This follows on from what Strange said in his last post about going off the screen one side and coming back on another.
  11. There are caveats to what I posted. Vaping is about harm reduction rather harm avoidance. The nicotine element is not as bad as the myriad other chemicals in tobacco. Your link doesn't feel neutral in approach. They've gone into their study saying "nicotine is harmful" then looked for things to support it; an exercise in confirmation bias, it looks to me. I don't think nicotine or vaping is good per se and I'm at this moment engaged in smoking cessation but I like to keep a level head about things and keep them in perspective.
  12. The balloon analogy illustrates that you can have finite but unbounded space or area; you have to imagine yourself as having width and length, i.e. 2D, but not height on the balloon's surface.
  13. Yeah. Some bright spark will come up with authentic Navy Cut, Park Drive, Woodbine, No.6... flavours
  14. I think it's a relative thing; it's maybe not as risky as smoking leaves which contain many more different chemicals than vaping liquids. Not all vaping liquids are the same, so, some will be more risky than others. It wouldn't surprise if there are vaping concoctions that are as risky as cigarettes.
  15. It seems unfamiliar to me they contracted that because I always associate the Irish with speaking it in full, like: Am I not?; Are you not?; Will you not?; Can you not? A step-father of mine is Northern Irish.
  16. Indeed, one may serve better saying nothing rather than be incomprehensible.
  17. LOL. The arrogance of the English, eh?
  18. In practice, I think, the 'correct' form depends on who one is talking to and the social/professional one is navigating in. There isn't a single correct way to communicate in all cases. My policy is to speak in the language of the listener, if it is more appropriate. Note for pedants: I don't do whom.
  19. How long have you been coming to this site? Don't you listen to anything? Take any volume or area, regardless of whether it is bounded, unbounded, finite or infinite or some combination of the first two or second two, "everywhere" is any part of that volume or area.
  20. Yes you are; it happened here, there and everywhere.
  21. I don't see how your usual routine isolates bacteria; you have been spreading harmful "germs" for years and suffered no ill-effects, have you? What you are doing reading articles on it is reinforcing your belief or fears - confirmation bias. You can find anything on the internet to support ANY belief. The important part of that search is finding real evidence in your searches to support it that it's actually harmful. Your suspicions are, on the whole, correct. It is marketing to make people feel that they really need xyz product because otherwise they will smell/die/be uncool etc. You would do yourself a great favour by calling 'germs' instead microbes or bacteria. The word germs has wholly negative and misinformed connotations when, actually, alot of them already exist within and on our bodies already. We couldn't live without many of them and we are, each of us, a microbial ecosystem. Microbes only become harmful when there are too many of a certain kind in the wrong place and the usual harmless bacteria that inhabit there are in insufficient numbers to keep them at bay. Good personal eating and hygiene habits are about looking after the good bacteria (commensal bacteria) which act as a barrier to the harmful ones by preventing them populating their preferred parts of the body.
  22. It just shows. how rooted it is. In fishing line strengths and fish weights it's all pounds, even with kids that otherwise use metric. They do, however, say e.g. "16 point 4 pounds" instead of "16 4" meaning 16 pounds 4 ounces; even adults make this mistake.
  23. He's not talking about that though; he's talking about philosophical approaches.
  24. I'll drink my pint to that.
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