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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Good. That thread covered a few areas of contention and illustrates how problematic it is.
  2. Here's the background story that lead to this situation: How the vaccine crisis was meant to make money - BMJ article Here's an SFN thread from 2014: Anti vaccer movement
  3. Why are you asking the same question with a different title and the same linked article?
  4. You are under European rules then which is what the UK is. The US is pretty much aligned as well in these areas. Vaccine development and testing undergoes the same process and rigor as those for drugs: Vaccine development cycle: Drug development cycle: European protocol is the same process. I think the disquiet lies in the fact that it is mainly children that receive vaccines and there's only so much information that can be garnered from animal testing models before they are tested on humans. With drug testing it involves lots of adults so there's less concern even though the problems are the same.
  5. There are 120+ million households in the US. 40-odd million have a dog. That's at least 40 million dogs. 30 people are killed and 10 of those by a pit bull. The incidence is not worth having legislation for, certainly not of the draconian kind. Dogs, statistically, are very safe.
  6. You'll find it in this link and information related to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_mass
  7. I don't know where you reside but on the UK's NHS site an article, made by Public Health England, has this to say: A 5-in-1 vaccine is not half that. The main thing is though that those that are ill at the same time as given a vaccine could have been ill anyway without it; the very small % of adverse events recorded fall within the boundary of them being pure coincidence. You have to bear in mind there are many millions of these vaccines given every year (10 million in the US alone), so it's not hard to see that at least some children will fall ill at the same time as having it. The odds are relatively high, especially the really young ones, of falling ill independently because their immune systems are still adapting to their environment and threats not yet encountered by them or other adverse events they are uniquely predisposed to, genetically for example, that happen to be expressed at that time. What I've posted here is a distillation of past discussions on the subject on SFN - you might want to search.
  8. Fried rather than pulverised.
  9. The sooner you do it the sooner you can try and take control of your life rather than life taking control of you... you are a yacht without a sail atm.
  10. If we put a clock in different parts of a gravity well, or or alter its velocity, in relation to another clock its time will change accordingly; it follows that it is measuring something that is changing i.e. time
  11. Big fail on the saturated fat reduction exercise so far. Today: Chicken pasty, sausage roll, cheese on toast and chocolate.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. StringJunky


      Learnt something today; smart guy. This just about sums up my approach: "The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand." - Sun Tzu

    3. koti
    4. jimmydasaint


      You are only human. The flesh is weak...This comes from a man who succumbed to two slices of chocolate shortbread without a struggle, or even murmur.

  12. I'm afraid, yes, I would make that decision; it's not a cop out because I have to bear that cross. I think the world should continue as normal to the end. Like Ed Earl says: he hopes he would be asleep. I don't see why I should share my pain of the knowledge and cause others to endure it. My conscience would be clear.
  13. We think alike. You would be helping nobody by telling them.
  14. Pragmatically: if you want to have a hard time with everyone screaming and yelling in your last week then go right ahead; is it worth it? They will have lived every second of their lives to the end instead of stressing all week to no avail. Sometimes, a problem shared is not a problem halved.
  15. I don't think you are answering in the spirit of the question. The assumption - by whatever means as a consequence of this comet - is that everything is destroyed. Armageddon.
  16. If something is empirically demonstrated then you have to throw away any preconceptions and adapt to the new result; evidence is king. As far as commonsense goes, it has no place in science; too unreliable.
  17. As my grandad used to say "If you put shit in a brown paper bag you can sell it; people like things in bags"
  18. You are seeing what you want to see. You are also insulting many women pigeon-holing them into a single category.
  19. The words you have used are words that I have used and I was on antidepressants for two years until not too long ago. It is probably worth having a chat with your doctor. ADs can give you the mental space to help you look at your life and predicament a bit more objectively and detached from them without the weight of them pulling you down into a state of apathy and inaction, which is where you seem to be at at this point in time. If anyone says "Pull yourself together" tell them to go and F*** themselves... it's not a nice place to be.
  20. The difference is that there will be no consequences to answer to after the event, so, there'll be no resentment.
  21. I'll choose to be ignorant
  22. It has a very well-established and pretty much irrefutable answer: yes. Seems strange to be asked to do research about something that is not difficult to query and show the affirmative.
  23. Did the planet-buster slip through the detection systems unnoticed? Best to be ignorant I think otherwise the last week will be pure anarchy everywhere.
  24. You stick with your cats. Temperament can be be messed up but staffs are amiable by default, mostly. They wouldn't have the overall friendly reputation if it to be trained into them.
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