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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. That's what I'm saying: the story behind their evolution is religious. You and I know their emergence and establishment was arbitrary, whether one attributes them to a higher power or not.
  2. Yes, it's a bit god-like isn't it. It's understandable though, given that much of Western morality has religious roots and people forget that or never thought about its origins; they get the mistaken sense that these rights are naturally there, like the colour of ones eyes.
  3. Wherever they they are granted from, even autonomously by 'the people', they are still granted. The idea expressed that threy are 'just there' is mistaken.
  4. DrmDoc is correct imo.'Inherent' rights make no sense; they are granted not borne. They don't exist until they are granted. Unless some action/behaviour is put under pressure to prohibit it/vilify it there is no need for it to be a right, therefore, it is not decreed as such; people just do it.
  5. If he was within his rights, why did he lose his job? If we look at rights as legal decrees of consent, not everybody is given the same permissions; the permissions they have depend on their role in society.
  6. No, not yet but I've been quite ratty and nearly had a couple of meltdowns.
  7. Ok. I think drmdoc was on about private individuals - civilians - outside of their work and not wrt the job they do.
  8. We seem to be at cross-purposes. I'm on about this group having normal cognition to understand what drm doc and I were talking about. It looks like that's not the case and it's been necessary for him to spell it out for everybody. Let's get back to the discussion at hand and not go off on a tangent, shall we?
  9. Wasn't even on about anything like that. I was chiding delta for a superfluous post; it was covered by what I and drm doc said. He was making issue of what we said and we don't disagree with him anyway. I don't know what else to say.
  10. No, he was stating the obvious If there are negative consequences to an action then you DON'T have the freedom; it's plain for anyone of normal cognition to see that.
  11. Isn't that rather obvious without saying it?
  12. No
  13. Yes, my post should have been more encompassing by including statements made privately as well.
  14. As a matter of interest: I got a blood pressure monitor and it seems that my resting heartbeat has risen from low 60s to 80 and the diastolic part of my blood pressure has consistently risen from 60 into the 80s - prehypertension level. My medically-measured blood pressure just before treatment was 120/60 and now its 112 av./ 80 - 86... quite a jump. This is a known effect of Zyban so I''m not surprised and I'm not concerned; it' s only for another 8 weeks. Will be interesting to see how long it takes to recover after this. I'm managing ok and still get moments of wanting one but they are easily resisted.
  15. Some people can't work with the gases.
  16. I agree, he spoke in his official capacity which should not be contrary to the policy associated with his office.
  17. We've already discussed this and you were advised to seek professional help.
  18. Thanks. If you see anything else I will be interested. I am interested in hypertension and dietary effects on it as well. I've just bought a blood pressure monitor given my familial susceptibility.
  19. It seems that they do now since Europeans settled there and influenced changes in their diet. A quick-and -dirty theory is that low vitamin D requirements were selected for and what they did need came from blubber from seals etc. Also, they use their available vitamin more efficiently and achieve calcium absorption by other means to supplement the normal sources. Note; 'Eskimos' are Inuits but not all Inuits are Eskimos. There are several subgroups, of which Eskimo is one.
  20. It seems that it's proteins that aren't washed out and they degrade in storage, or even, possibly, when you handle the clean clothes with sweaty hands and put them away. A quick scout suggests something that releases hydrogen peroxide to sort it. Oxiclean is one commercial product that seems to be quite commonly available that releases peroxide. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_5_8/153-1472197-3102766?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=oxiclean+stain+remover&sprefix=oxiclean%2Caps%2C312
  21. This is very true. If you already believe something, you won't consider any alternative. Everybody is guilty of this that has committed themselves to a particular answer, to one degree or another. Nice chart.
  22. I think you know: half the trick to a successful search is figuring out the keywords/combination of keywords you expect to find in the document you are looking for.
  23. Note: there are related papers on that page that you could look at as well. I googled: mesothelioma susceptibility to find the paper.
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