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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. There is probably an emotional element sometimes, 'colouring' thoughts, funnily enough. I think, the things one sees is limited by what you know, or the ability to see increasing nuances comes with increasing experience. I don't think our visual system is anything like the passive recording with a camera.
  2. It depends on the prior experience of the observer how they see the colour red and what it means to them.
  3. There may well come a time when the the refrain from the accused will be "Deepfake!"
  4. They are in states of different density and electrostatic attraction..
  5. A state records a point in time or fragment of a process.
  6. A state is a point in time of a process. A state is a sub-ordinate to a process in level of complexity. We don't get to redefine what these things mean.
  7. it's a radio device.
  8. For clarity. Mind you, I rang a local chap in NW Scotland and he flummoxed me totally. I apologised for not understanding him and he sent me an email instead!
  9. Maybe they will think about about insisting on fireproof roof coverings, rather than 'fire resistant' ones that will eventually auto-ignite given a high enough temperature. Apparently, flaming material was carried in the wind and deposited on these roofs... you know what happens next. This house has a metal roof and the owners cleared brush around it just as a tidying up exercise, not for fire prevention.
  10. The UK has now recognized Taiwan as an independent country.
  11. No idea, but somebody will make the decision when current democratic norms become part of the past, as resources and space become scarcer. As things get worse, people will become more selfish. It will become more about 'me' and less about 'us'
  12. You might be looking at the wrong end of the life scale. Preventing lives from starting in the first place would be ethically easier to reduce the population. I think if we collectively wring our hands and reach a tipping point where Darwin rules increasingly, then this kind of discussion will be moot. The biggest, richest and meanest will prevail.
  13. Will, I think, fail because no man can step in the same river twice, which is what they are trying to do. Do people think this carries any weight? The quote I'm drawing from is, apparently, from Heraclitus.
  14. Same with Big Pharma, they want repeat prescriptions. Curing ailments is not in their long-term interest.
  15. If the mortality rate dropped from having having better resource access, the poorer inhabitants won't need to produce more children to ensure they have somebody to look after them in old age. State pensions aren't a thing everywhere. This is only one element in a complex problem, but that's probably not an insignificant driver.
  16. Your assumption seems to be that we don't need representatives to leave Earth to maximize our survivability.. It's just going to stay the same for all time and existential anxieties are just that.... figments of the imagination. I'm for spreading my bets.
  17. Also, they aren't going to blow up the flight crew for nothing.
  18. Where governments can change hands without too much fuss. This photo suggests it was shot down:
  19. Yes, he needs to be figuratively louder to be heard. Proper Mafia stuff this is. 'Mafia' is a word that comes up a lot in my mind when thinking about the level of politics in that region of the world.
  20. They've got their public's eyes and ears blocked, so they don't have to cover up their tracks too well.
  21. Surovikin being almost simultaneously dismissed makes it look like his was all meant to be, to me.
  22. That might make an interesting discussion on where does one agree with adversaries not to weaponize the internet.
  23. The less one knows, the more is possible.
  24. Silver is not inert, so you can't use it for that purpose. I would only use materials that are properly inert in the target conditions. Silver is a cumulative poison, like lead, in living systems.
  25. Any of those is an isotope of the others. I suppose custom puts the lowest mass isotope first.
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