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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Take that as a cue you will manage a possible ND experience just fine.
  2. Did I say they were? You are the one asking if a wakeful experience is worse than a dreaming one.I've given you my opinion and the rationale behind it. I can't add anymore. It's up to you what/who you want to believe. You are worrying about something that has a slim chance of happening but one thing is certain: one day, your life will end and that's something you will have to learn to come terms with, just like everybody else. Stop thinking about the 'ifs' and worry about them if/when they happen.
  3. I don'rt think so, because you rationalise when you are awake and put things in perspective but in your dreams it's just pure unattenuated fear without the ability to be objective because dreaming is a purely subjective experience i.e. you can't look at yourself from the outside looking in, like you can when you are awake. That ability to be objective allows you to put a brake on your emotions.
  4. Yes, they are entangled but, as swansont pointed out, you don't know the initial states; you only know the state when you collapse the wave function/open the envelope.
  5. I glossed over that bit... I knew it would be pushing the analogy too far and, as you say, wrong. I just intended it to show that, when the envelopes were sealed, the two halves went into superposition. Oh well..
  6. If you split a quantum coin the same way, entangling the two halves, and knew which half you'd sent each to, the probability that it is the same coin/state that you sent to each is 50%, not 100%, when one envelope is opened, isn't it?
  7. Yes, they are the same but one is more unfettered than the other i.e. dreams
  8. It's to do with wave functions (a mathematical concept) and when you make an observation you collapse it such that the respective states are revealed in the test subjects.
  9. That, Sir, is beyond my ken. Edit: Re-reading your question: the photons were entangled together, by some process, in the first place and they can't share the same state.
  10. There ain't no light to be found there.
  11. I don't know properly how it works but the gloves are not in superposition; they don't have the potential to swap places/show a different state to the one they were put in initially. That's as much as I know.
  12. Let's not forget, that this part of the universe's evolution is very unknown scientifically so we are talking out of our derriere's really.
  13. Yes, AFAIK,. always. Someone, probably swansont, once used a heads/tails of a coin analogy: if you flip a coin, you instantly know what the other side is.
  14. The entangled particles are in superposition (in both states) and when you have a look (collapse the wave function/break the the entanglement) the observed photon is in either one of the two states. If you know the state of the one you observe you know that the otther one is in the other state. You cannot predetermine what the outcome will be.or change anything. How the Chinese are using it I have no idea.
  15. Detectable.
  16. What you dream with and what you experience waking life with - your brain - is the same. The intensity of real-life experiences can potentially match those of dreams but, in real-life, you have self-awareness and can, therefore, consciously modulate or attenuate your feelings; you can't in a dream, unless you are lucid dreaming, which is not the normal state of dreaming. I don't think you will ever experience such intensity in real-life that which you experience in your dreams, for the reason just stated. I think your fear is unwarranted. You should let go of this anxiety and just be at peace with yourself, knowing that it's just a dream and that's all it will ever be..
  17. These are the sort of questions I ask myself at that stage in the universe's evolution. Is the notion of time in the pre-inflationary universe non-sensible?
  18. With difficulty; no past or future. There's no signal going anywhere because it's happening everywhere. Sticking to relativity, time is always relative to something else. If something is happening uniformly and simultaneously everywhere, what is its time relative to in the universe... there isn't one is, there? It can't be relative to itself. My viewpoint is from within the the universe, not from outside looking in at the universe as a discrete object, extant to myself as an observer, like Tar was doing.
  19. You need to get rid of your 'god-like' perspective holding your heavenly stopwatch in your hand timing everything. The universe at time zero may not have been space-like or time-like so the notion of a signal travelling from one point to another becomes moot doesn't it? This is in the hard science forum and I put it here because I want to know what the current science is.
  20. I don't know. I asked the question to learn, not offer ideas.
  21. Scientists don't know but have some models. This Wiki on protocells will give you an idea of them but it's not conclusive.
  22. In the hot, dense state there are no signals travelling anywhere because the universe is one bit of 'stuff'. The idea of 'seeing' from one side to the other is irrelevant.
  23. But not within the entangled particles?
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