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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Take it one day at a time, then look back every so often and you will realise you have improved. Keep saying to yourself " I know more than I did yesterday". Personality is about how you interact with people and if you feel you are lacking in this department observe those you admire and see how they interact with others. You've made the first steps, you are doing it with us right here. I think you are more sociable and likeable than you realise at the moment. Keep at it and you'll realise you are where you want to be in the not far distant future.
  2. Creamy.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nJYZSrufjM
  3. I know, there were some real heroes in that disaster and they knew they were going to die doing it.
  4. I would have thought remote-control everything was the de facto method of dealing with most things nuclear.
  5. My ZX Spectrum is working on it now... might take a while...
  6. ...or, the person you were then is not the person you are now. Human experience is a continuum of change and at some point we need to realise that we are not the same person; after every few years or significant personal event or realisation we need to check this and not hold our past against ourselves.
  7. Time and experience with the members reveals who knows what they are talking about. The letters after their name is just a starting point that they may know what they are talking about. Genuine Intellectual authority comes from acquiring respect through providing good information that stands up against scrutiny and the test of time.
  8. I think you have convinced yourself that just just because a particular woman doesn't look at your or give you a positive signal you are inherently unlikeable. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some will fancy you and some won't. The most socially attractive people are the ones that are themselves, I've noticed, because one feels they can be trusted.
  9. Sounds like you've caught yourself in a mental trap: If > Then > I Must be.
  10. StringJunky


    The Sandbox forum is a place where you can try out and play with the various forum controls to see how they work.
  11. You think it would push it to unsurvivable levels?
  12. Caused by...?
  13. Indeed, but that's the best scientists have to play with; measurements.
  14. No we can't know, completely. With measurements, it's the closest scientists can get to describing reality.
  15. Yes, it crossed my mind too but I don't know what I don't know. He's certainly a good written communicator.
  16. I made sure I didn't have my headphones on before I hit 'play'... good job I did. I must be getting old. If I was going to start a genre like this I'd call it 'Deaf Metal'.
  17. Yeah, they don't like warming seas.
  18. About 2/3rds of the world's oxygen is produced by ocean-dwelling phytoplankton, not bacteria. Yes, we can survive permanently down to just above half the present oxygen concentration at sea-level; the phytoplankton production should cover the loss from trees being destroyed, in principle, but in practice, there will no doubt be severe consequences from it that may destroy us anyway.
  19. He's done 18000 jumps so he knew what he was up to. Here's the BBC report on it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36935087
  20. If you get too close you may not see the wood for the trees, which might be your problem.
  21. I agree, Markus, it's been hard work for me accepting what SR and GR says...what little I understand of it. Once I realised that nothing exists in the way we think it does macroscopically at the atomic level, ie not tangible, it was a lot easier. I am now a fully "indoctrinated", diehard Relativist. It's awesome.
  22. He's putting obstacles in the way to justify his inaction. The reality is, some people see others with their mind's eye and others see in the literal physical sense. He will fit someone's idea of attractive.
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