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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think the commercial wold was a better place when individuals or families owned tthe large companies and not legions of faceless investors who create uncertainty and the need for ever-increasing profits by the companies they invest in to keep them investing in them; it has become so very short-teminist.and too volatile. This is so very evident in the pharmaceutical world.where they can see billions of dollars moved away overnight and thousands lose their jobs in a very short space of time.
  2. After this one. Elizabeth II R is peerless.
  3. I'd like to take her out for dinner....her old man is lucky. Seriously, she's been a super example of a First Lady.with a great common touch that transcends social barriers. A fine American.
  4. 'Weeds' are healthy plants not wanted. Read: native peoples and poor immigrants. The soil needs preparing for the weeds to thrive. It's the space-grabbing 'pretty' roses with their thorns that are taking up all the space and resources. Coincidentally I put up a song in the Lounge recently about this by Rush. "The Trees" There is unrest in the forest There is trouble with the trees For the maples want more sunlight And the oaks ignore their pleas The trouble with the maples (And they're quite convinced they're right) They say the oaks are just too lofty And they grab up all the light But the oaks can't help their feelings If they like the way they're made And they wonder why the maples Can't be happy in their shade There is trouble in the forest And the creatures all have fled As the maples scream 'Oppression!' And the oaks just shake their heads So the maples formed a union And demanded equal rights 'The oaks are just too greedy We will make them give us light' Now there's no more oak oppression For they passed a noble law And the trees are all kept equal By hatchet, axe and saw
  5. If it's soft enough there should be less stress and breaking less bonds and, I would have thought, leading to less whitening but I don't know really
  6. Donna Summers' I Feel Love is cool slowed down: Here it is stretched to 44 minutes:
  7. That site I linked mentions heating causing the effect. The heat causes the changes in material colour reflection properties. Yeah, it's a permanent effect even when it's cooled down.
  8. This is from a materials site. This article adds that bending causes heating, which leads to the polymers crystallising, resulting in the light-scattering white areas. If you think about it, and your thought is entirely reasonably at first sight, but if we take some dyeable material, like plasticine, and dye it then stretch it there are no white areas. It seems reasonable to deduce from this that the white areas in the bent plastic must be an optical effect rather than dye dilution.
  9. Definitely! A gastronomic, cholesterolic orgasmit will do for me... and fast tracking to my maker! When I hit the deck I want my autopsy to read: "This guy has lived and run his body into the ground". I can never understand why people spend thousands to make sure they are in tip-top physical condition when they die.
  10. You can steal my bacon but don't poke my yolks or else it'll be an ambulance job for you! I'll barter your sausages for my bacon; I'm reasonable like that. If I'm going to have a heart attack from eating processed fatty food I might as well do it properly. And it's 'red sauce' not 'tomato sauce' and I put it ON my food not BY my food, like posh folks. Oh, and it'll all end up being consumed as butties. Plenty of disdainful noses up in the air around me I'm afraid.
  11. In the areas that are white the polymer chains are no longer ordered in the same formation which reflect light to a certain wavelength(s) and normally give you a uniform colour. Instead, the chains in the stressed areas are stretched and mixed in different directions, resulting in light being scattered as different wavelength; this results in the white areas.
  12. Michel I think you've got lost down a rabbit-hole with your journey into this subject and need to go back to the point where what you know matches current thinking and carry on from there. I've had to go back few times myself when I realised I've hung onto a misconception, without realising it at the time, which messes up everything you try to understand after because they don't fit onto that erroneous piece(s) of knowledge. Possibly, it's a bit of 'pet theory' you are hanging onto that's causing the problem.
  13. It wouldn't matter to me either way whether I were alone or not. It's nice to eat in company but I'm self-confident enough to eat alone if that's the situation at the time. I'm happy to let the other diners imagine their own story as to why I'm eating alone; they are of no consequence in the long-term. You never know who may want to sit with you and make your meal unexpectedly interesting. I do seem to attract the oddballs though. I suppose it takes one to know one and like attracts like... and all that.
  14. Yes, I said as much earlier:
  15. My sister-in-law asked me if I was losing my hearing. today. I think my new headphone amp and heavy metal might have something to do with it.

    1. Moontanman


      I love my music loud as well...

    2. StringJunky


      Yes, Moon, as Slade sang "Come on feel the noize"! :D

    3. Moontanman


      Crank it up!


  16. Like Evil Roy Slade without his guns.
  17. I'd rather face a knife than a gun
  18. On the subject of girl's names...
  19. Alright you old fogeys, this is what's cool with the teenies who are into non-mainstream underground stuff my 13 year old nephew played to me today. Dig it :
  20. These people were disabled; sitting ducks.
  21. Would it help if you, instead of thinking of speed, think of acceleration of increasing space since the objects themselves experience no change in velocity?
  22. Yeah, that was the one I was thinking of .
  23. Might that be Imatfaal in one of my threads on the same subject where he explained with the analogy of stretching a rubber band and how the moving end seems to accelerate the further away it is from the static end?
  24. For the short duration of a typical observation period just consider the expansion as occurring at a constant rate.
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