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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. What a difference a headphone amp makes to music on a mobile phone... bliss!

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    2. StringJunky


      Can you get a dinky, pocketable headphone amp? Be a bit warm, not to mention suck batteries dead in no time. I agree though, valve is heaven. I got a Topping NX1 with Betron earphones. I got some headphones but they are not loud enough. The amp needs to be beefier. I'm pretty deaf. I might get a more powerful amp to drive my Sennheisers later.

    3. StringJunky


      Right ear-piece on my earpohones has just popped; despair. Heaven will have to wait whilst they they are replaced. :(

    4. StringJunky


      Betron are sending me a replacement ASAP. WOW! They only broke a few hours ago and I emailed them about two hours ago.

  2. As your example shows,the notion of kindness can be at odds in the eyes of the giver and receiver. Your 'purpose' is your intent.;to behave a certain way..
  3. Liberté, égalité, fraternité should be strong on everyone's mind at this time.
  4. Why is it pointless? They are out of the way. It's also easy to put someone away for life when you don't have to do it and it's also easy to forgive when it's not your family. that's been killed/violated.
  5. having given up sugar, i nearly bought a bag kidding myself that i''ll only put it on cereal. I wonder how long I would have lasted before I put it in my coffee. It's a persistent addiction. :)

  6. No, unfortunately. From the UK gov't website. It's abolition here had a political mandate, not a public one, in the 1960s:
  7. I have known people that are evil.
  8. S/He means 'surviving' in the sense of being alive but with no meaningful or purposeful quality of life.
  9. I think he's more personality than character.
  10. It's a long-winded, polite way of saying "F**K Off"
  11. ...or "Go forth and multiply" or "Take a long walk off a short pier"
  12. If animals weren't consumed they wouldn't have evolved into what they are today; would they have evolved at all?
  13. When I read stuff like this I wonder if people like you have ever associated closely with truly bad people who couldn't give a fuck about anything or anyone, exploit every person they meet and would maim or kill without battering an eyelid. They are better off dead. ... and then you chuck out that old chestnut: " Oh, but what if they are innocent?". And so it goes, around and around ad nauseum... If one has never experienced the depths that humans can do to one another there is a tendency to have blind faith that there is some redeemable good in a person and they can't be that bad. They can be.
  14. Yes, when we started barbecuing meat in fire our calorie intake shot through the roof and made us what we are. You are what you eat and I don't want to be a vegetable.
  15. It doesn't surprise me because quite a few of the metal-loving kids I knew at school were pretty clever. I was more the hippy type. Long-hair, tight jeans and Floyd t-shirt. I've only just this year got rid of my long hair.which I've had, on and off, since I was 15.
  16. Metalhead you are aren't you? I must admit I've been pulling out the heavy and hard tunes on Yutoob....ah memories and damaged ears from the gigs. YT blows me away because I'm finding gigs that weren't shown much in their day; like that Rainbow stuff. It was all LPs then. I also like heavily guitar-oriented like this wailing Kossof track:
  17. Great heavy tune. This is what I remember Dio for:
  18. They were huge when I was a kid. I wouldn't say one gets 'into' Queen because they were a fun band really but the band were very good musicians and Mercury had an awesome voice imo... no one like him. Notably, that I can remember, he was never openly derided for his openly camp and gay persona, even in the early seventies when homosexuality was still very much in the closet and largely scorned..He was always a popular guy.
  19. On the scientist theme, I present astrophysicist Brian May and my favourite Queen song!
  20. Given that consciousness is an emergent property of a ginormous ensemble of contiguous molecules and quantum effects occur within the domain and at the level of atoms, I can't see how quantum anomalies/effects within atoms would have a bearing on the macro state of consciousness. The effects are too microscopic.
  21. That is simultaneously scary and wonderful.
  22. Like I said earlier:
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