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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Bieber it is then.
  2. Only a guy that designs GPS clocks could know that...you need to get out more.
  3. Insane people don't know they are insane by virtue of their insanity...
  4. 'Why' is about cause which is ultimately axiomatic i.e. it is based on a starting presumption. 'How' is about behaviour i.e. it is what is observed, which is what science deals with.
  5. Tell me I don't need another phone. I only want it because it's orange and I've got a black one.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. MigL


      Mine's bright yellow.

      ( yes, I'm vain and shallow )

    3. StringJunky


      Ummm... yellow could be the new orange. It's ok to be shallow. That's what this status is about. :)

    4. For Prose

      For Prose

      You don't need another phone.

  6. ....and, so, we quickly walk back into that crazy, inhuman quagmire of the Second Amendendment...a bird's nest of a tangle if ever there was one
  7. Yes, there is an inherent bias towards any particular black person being seen as bad simply because of the statistics which creates a vicious self-perpetuating cycle. More generally, they are victims, not the cause, of the problem.
  8. I think the underlying problem here is that western society insidiously disempowers black people throughout their lives from young which creates the negative feelings that they are more likely to carry than their white counterparts, hence, making them more likely to engage in antisocial behaviours; this preordains them to be seen as worse by default and more likely to be shot at.
  9. Gelatin was the one I was trying to think of.
  10. Wallpaper paste powder?
  11. I found the migration quite painless. The way you look for things is easier in 10; you just type it in the Start box. The continuous silent upgrading good; no more pain-the-ass major OS changes. You notice little upgrades and changes with some updates. Overall the feel is similar to 7. You might as well jump in; it's the future. It is more complete out-of-the-box with respect to essential apps. The biggest negative is it is harder to override some default settings. Also it is more aware of your usage if you leave some settings at default. It does this so it''s apps can adapt to you and become more bespoke. I've had it since it came out and it is pretty invisible and intuitive in use. It's OK.
  12. I will put tape pieces over all the letter keys. That's got to be worth a go. Thanks. There's actually an expensive one you can buy with no printed keys that I remember seeing; http://www.daskeyboard.com/daskeyboard-4-ultimate/ I can see a lot of F--K, S--T D---, B------D emanating from me in the coming days. Any more practical tips like that or approaches will be taken onboard. Keyboard covered: ,
  13. Thanks for the advice; will heed. Any other words of wisdom will be much appreciated. I'm trying TIPP 10 for now. The hardest part will be when I'm doing RL typing, like on here whilst learning; forcing myself to stay in learning mode which will be really slow and frustrating to start. Not sure how to deal with this because I don't know where all the letters are on the upper and lower row without looking atm; the home row I'm familiar with blind and know the fingering as well.
  14. I've been a two-finger 'sight-typer' for years and I want to learn touchtyping. What worked for you? Links would be good.
  15. Self-consciousness is a subset of the broader term 'consciousness', so, one can be aware of ones surroundings but not oneself.
  16. I find myself doing that every time now when something I write is not intended to be gender-specific and wish to be inclusive of everyone, particularly with sayings. For instance: "He who laughs last..." becomes "They who laugh last..."
  17. Google is your friend:
  18. I'm only working on what GR says: time is integral with space in the the form of spacetime.
  19. Gove betraying Boris; what a fine, upstanding, Justice Minister we have...not.

  20. Without a model there is nothing we can use. Yes, exactly. Now, tell me what 'A to B' is... what is it, really, what's it made of, how does it function? What is the fundamental essence of 'A to B'? The correct answer is,of course: 'A to B' is what the car measures! Yes, it does because time does not need a process; spacetime works without any process in it...time is still ticking away. We, of course, need a process (clock) to measure it. If you can't get your head around that, remember, we can get a ruler and measure space anywhere; space is what rulers measure. It's ok to be wrong.
  21. Yes, shit can happen and there may well be a double facepalm and reciprocal commiserations to you from us in due course... when President Trump makes his inaugral speech. (sick bucket is on your left)
  22. "... and, thus, Man did make Computer in His own image". Book of Cybergenesis ch.1 7.5
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