Why "friends" and not friends; are they worth less or any less 'real' than ones you physically interact with? As time passes the virtual world is becoming increasingly part of the real world such that they will become indistinguishable. My own experience of online interactions is that they are every bit as real and visceral as my geographically close friends even though I may have not have met them physically. Having said that, I am not one to treat my online acquaintances as virtual, transient, disposable objects to be used for whatever purpose that suits my immediate whim, like some people do; I know it's a real person on the other end and will afford them the same respect - or, likewise, contempt - as if they were sitting next to me.
A common language may eventually still develop; don't forget, the internet is still only really a teenager in terms of it being widespread and technologically advanced enough to disseminate multimedia information suitable for the mass market.