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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It's totally the wrong decision.
  2. Very nice and lucid description, thanks Markus. +1
  3. Highlight selection in the post > Right-click it > Click Copy > Click the speech bubble icon to the left of of the Twitter icon > Paste selection. There will be no name header though it will just say 'Quote'. Like this: To have the name attributed like the first one I clicked Quote in the post then deleted the bit's I didn't want.
  4. Google 'science fiction forums'
  5. Avoid stress, be still in mind and body, walk briskly, sleep well.
  6. Interesting description, I never noticed those element's. TBH this is the first time I've seen the whole picture; I've seen cropped images focusing on the jumper, hence, my narrower view of the intent. It depends on the work. It can clearly be done for the above picture.
  7. The actual song Enigma's Return To Innocence was taken from. It's actually a Taiwanese traditional song and not N. American Indian as suggested in Enigma's video..: Enigma's Version:
  8. What utter bollocks. Are you trying to show us what a random stream of consciousness looks. I think we've seen enough examples from you.
  9. Yes, pathetic. They are as bad a jihadists in their blind devotion to not giving a F-.
  10. If that pulls your quarry go for it. More fool them for being so materialistic and shallow.
  11. Hate, like romantic love, is blind to reality; we see what we want to see and not what is actually there.
  12. Yes, there's kind a of disequilibrium that keeps you moving. It's an ever changing kaleidoscope.
  13. The journey is the the act of learning. If you just want to sit around knowing what you've learnt that's your choice but in that sense you stop growing as a person.
  14. The meaning of life is finding the meaning of life; once you've found it you need another one! The journey is more important than the destination.
  15. If that's case then the scientists will find out; god is in the detail.
  16. For there to be a reason there would have to be an intelligent creator who endows his creations with purpose. There is no evidence for this.
  17. I agree. Nature is a blind watchmaker; it does not design, therefore, it's creations have no meaning extant to what cognitive beings make of it.
  18. Yes. Personally, I would keep it to close friends, family, professional. I would avoid FB pages that are of a social nature where people have a common hobby interest or pursuit; they can be particularly bitchy places. As just mentioned: NEVER air your dirty laundry on FB; it will be recorded forever for posterity; 'juicy' stuff gets shared and it's out of your control once that happens. I personally think it's a sh-hole but my "friend" base was too wide in retrospect; I was in the angling fraternity and the nature of my position meant I had to be open to everyone, which is now history.
  19. Why do people put makeup on? I think it's perfectly ok to alter lighting effects to flatter ones tone or make the overall light balance look more natural; under cloudy skys or in the shade skin tone can look too blue in an image even if it looked ok in camera. You may have a zit or other temporary problem which I think it is perfectly ok to remove post-capture. I endeavour to manipulate pictures to what I think I saw if I want to be truthful to the scene or person , as I saw it/them. The camera doesn't 'see' how you do, so, you have make it 'see' your way or do it post-capture. I would draw the line at radical structural or colour changes; that would be dishonest in a social context, like Facebook.
  20. After 33 years of Hep C...it's gone!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. StringJunky


      Thank you guys. It means alot.

    3. zapatos


      Wow. Putting something like that behind you must be a great feeling. Congratulation!


    4. StringJunky


      Yes, Zapatos, I feel very lucky. I didn't realise how much of a weight it was until it was gone.

  21. Why must everything be infinitely irreducible? Once you reach the fundamental, as far as we know, that's it.
  22. We don't need a god/creator to fill the gaps. That is a sign of limited thinking or constructing an answer just to make people feel better. It is more objective, albeit less satisfying, to say "We don't know".
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