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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. StringJunky


    What Phi is referring to is Pareidolia
  2. Just another day in America
  3. There's no preferred frame. The time/distance difference is relative between each of the two arms. I think, if I have it right. Because the wavelengths of the ripples involved are small compared to Ligo each arm goes minutely out of phase, in terms of what they measure, with the other at any given moment; this manifests graphically as a ripple. The ripple is a visual representation of the time/distance variation in spacetime.
  4. Any surface is only as clean as the cloth you polish with. If you keep cycling the the same cloths without washing them everytime abrasive bits will get embedded in the fibres and put micro scratches on the surface. Even improperly rinsed cloths with washing powder residue in them will cause scratches. You can't win unless you are prepared to treat the surfaces like a camera lens! What you want is a brush-on rubber-like polymer. Paint it all over your car and when it has set peel it off in one; there's no rubbing.
  5. It just goes to show the notion of 'art' is a flimsy one and people are easily suckered. We see what we want to see and if it looks artistic then it is, in practice Thinking about randomly placed objects or unintentional art that people see in their mind's eye: the skill of the true artist is to show or direct people to the message that he 'sees' in that random arrangement by the use of his skillset. He shouldn't have to verbally explain it; a title should suffice. As an example, although not of random objects, here's The Decisive Moment by Henri Cartier-Bresson. This picture illustrates the importance of choosing the right moment to take a picture; too early or too late then picture fails - it explains itself by example:
  6. I'll check it out. Thanks. It's only the odd word, like today I wanted the accent on the end of passe. Edit: Passé In Windows 10 type 'character map' in the Search box > Choose letter > Click Select > Click Copy > Paste Cheers
  7. Does anybody know how to do it? It's usually French ones I want to use.
  8. As long as that intent is clearly expressed at some point then, I think, it is valid. But if it gets done too many times it becomes passe.
  9. This is what I mean by exploiting pareidolia; there is no intent as to a message other than, perhaps, "More fool you"
  10. If anything, it puts your own misfortunes in relative perspective. "Well, damn me, I ain't got it so bad after all".
  11. Subconsciously, perhaps it's way of not putting women on too high a pedestal by familiarising their title using their first name. If you look historically, people of note are nearly always referred by their surname. Edit: this tallies with ten oz's post.
  12. Do you think it's because they are women?
  13. Maybe people feel generally more familiar with her, like many, even the media, refer to Prince William's wife as Kate rather than the Duchess of Camridge.
  14. Could she be referred by her first name in order to just distinguish her from her husband?
  15. Looks are the sum of individual features which depends on if they match harmoniously with cultural or personal expectations of what constitutes 'beautiful'. I can picture a face where each feature is perfect but completely mismatched to make an ugly one. Of course it's hereditary, where else does information come from?
  16. The only person a hater really hurts is themselves; assuming no outward violence is expressed.
  17. It occurs in the UK too.
  18. Evolutionarily, it probably selects and reinforces certain behaviours that conform to a particular group's norms of what constitutes moral behaviour. Everybody that's not hated forms part a stable nuclear group that is more likely to act in a harmonious, concerted manner. The stronger the group the better the survival of their offspring, improving reproductive success and continuity.
  19. But like any instrument, each individual one has strengths and weaknesses. An artist will explore its capabilities and perform within them.
  20. If they hold the purse strings; corruption by any other name.
  21. A commonsense suggestion but, sadly, such a concept is alien to the NRA and it's devotees.
  22. It's raining outside but it's a beautiful day

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raider5678


      I like it cool too. The sun is good when its too cold.

    3. TakenItSeriously


      I enjoy a good thunderstorm from a roof covered porch, though not so much when I'm getting wet.

    4. StringJunky


      The air smells good after one.

  23. An act of self-loathing by proxy, perhaps, if true?
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