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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It seems plain that if a law does not have the consensus and consent of the vast majority it is unenforceable, in a democracy.
  2. Indeed, It not unknown for me to look the perpetrator in the eyes and say "I resemble that remark!". Humorous Indifference is a good skill to acquire to protect yourself in socially adverse circumstances; being deaf I learned this quite quickly Kids are horrible. That' probably because you are doing the same thing, the same way, everyday. You've become hardwired to a certain way of thinking and behaving. and so it has no novelty value; one day blurs into the next just the same as the day before. We all need some routine but try and do or think differently, in some way, everyday. When people say: "Where has all that time gone?" Everyday was the same, so life just seemed like one day, subjectively. Your mind will cast back to the nearest memorable day that was different . Very often, that different day was months or even years ago. The answer is to consciously and proactively punctuate your routine with novel, enjoyablememorable experiences; no matter how small. Embrace not being the same all the the time. Shake it up.
  3. I suppose, it is better to feel something rather than nothing; nothing is worse than feeling nothing. A bit like: It is better (to some) to be ridiculed than ignored; they crave attention.
  4. No, but they are missing one or more of them, knowing it or not. This is the question: can one be considered to be a contented happy person only when one is out of ones face?
  5. The common bond between those two people is that neither are happy because, for different reasons, they have not completed, in essence, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; they are unfulfilled. . The homeless guy dreams about having what the rich guy has, but the rich guy knows he has chased a false dream and is likely disillusioned; take away the fancy stuff and he's just as poor philosophically and not self-actualised as the homeless guy.. The problem is that our world is set up to pursue material fulfillment and instant gratification as the top of the mountain; like lemmings running towards the unseen cliff. The unhappy, substance-using rich guy is one of those lemmings.
  6. Contentment = Peace of mind = Freedom Enjoyment - Excitement - Happiness are unsustainable emotional states; especially chemically induced ones. There are no real substantive, enduring memories associated with being intoxicated. It's a temporary escapist respite from ones daily stresses that will return once the effects have warn off.
  7. http://www.cdc.gov/features/lightning-safety/
  8. People can do what they like with their money. If they wish to use some of it to support furthering the advancement of human knowledge, even without any tangible gain personally, I can't see any problem with that at all; they know the score.
  9. Yes, after I made that post I did consider that you meant 'control' by statutory outside agencies. Not anymore. I can remember being called 'gay' several times as a youngster, in it's old meaning,
  10. You don't consider 'control' and 'safety' as synonyms in this instance? Or are you being a pedant?
  11. That's pretty much what's required in the UK. I would call that responsible storage and control. The US gun fatality statistics would plummet if everyone was as responsible as your family.
  12. Anthracite is hotter if you need it.
  13. The path to political enlightenment, as in most things, is the middle way.
  14. I'll look them up. I often think rock, as I like it, is dead but clearly not.
  15. I was about 10 years old and with a friend. We were in some open ground near a Nissan-type corrugated iron hut which we ran towards because it was raining stair-rods. The lightning hit the ground in front of us and we got this pressure wave and sound like a shotgun next to our ears. Petrified doesn't even describe it but we turned 180 and just ran away as fast as we could. In retrospect, it was the wrong thing to do; we should have laid down flat on our bellies because we were high points in that area standing up. I realise now, lightning discharges can come out of the ground as well as from the clouds.
  16. Super Track. Another band for me to check out. Cheers.
  17. Voyeurism law in Washington: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.44.115
  18. The light knocked out your retina like a photographer's flash; sounds like a very close shave, being in a moving vehicle. Bet you felt your mortal coil rattle.
  19. It doesn't have to strike the window. There is a shockwave emanated when the two arcs. meet If you are close enough you can feel it. I've been twenty metres from one.
  20. That one's a bit like the advice to stand in a doorway in an earthquake; the door frame helps protect you from falling objects.
  21. No idea offhand on that one specifically but there is the moral codes as well which people choose to live by; the reason is either by cultural exposure or for personal reasons.
  22. Unlike reality, fiction must make sense.

    1. Raider5678


      Very true....

  23. Although Buddhism is less religion and more philosophy it is still metaphysical in spirit. One can strip away the religiosity from the other religions, leaving just the bare philosophy for approaching ones life and interacting with people..
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