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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The trouble with consuming wholly raw products for medicinal use is that the concentration of the active agent is unknown without quantitative analysis for each sample. Also there will likely be other substances in a sample that are not beneficial at all and may in fact harm. Despite what the adverts from the 'natural' industry say, they are not pure, in the quantitative sense. Aspirin, is Salicylic acid which, I think, was originally derived from Sallicin; a component of Willow tree bark.
  2. Spermatogenesis is a meiotic, not mitotic, process. http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/genetics/vgec/highereducation/topics/cellcycle-mitosis-meiosis
  3. This is the wrong place for speculations. What I wrote is what I've remembered.
  4. I think the defective parts in the spermazoa can be negated, somewhat, when it combines with an ovum, since it only contributes 50% of the genes to the foetus. If the combination is an xx result then then the probability of it negating any defects increases because there is a greater likely of this occurring due to there are two copies of x in a female mate and female progeny. I think this is one of the reasons why females are more robust genetically and live longer. The spermazoa's age is zero. If you clone a cell then the progeny will be the age of the parents.
  5. It's my experience here that it isn't that forum member's fault that they sound too complex, and your assertion that they do this to elevate themselves is flat out wrong. What is actually happening is that a particular forum member's style of delivery and level of content may not suit the style and understanding of a particular questioner. We can't be all things to all people... we suit some more than others. Also, there is the situation of people asking questions way above their pay grade that demand technical answers, otherwise, they would be inaccurate. Make things simple, but no simpler.
  6. StringJunky


    Time is relative, so you are not wrong.
  7. Mathematics is a an ensemble of methodologies, based on discrete logical constructs, with functions useful for accounting, calculating and describing what people think quantitatively. It exists in the sense that it describes a mode of how people think sometimes. i.e. mathematically.
  8. If someone were to maliciously contaminate something it would be on something that penetrates the body, like a needle or inside a syringe barrel. From the Centers of Disease Control (US) website: Extrapolate that to your situation and the answer is no... just like Arete said.
  9. Go and get a HIV test done by a medical professional.
  10. The east side was frequently invaded by the Scandanavians. In my area - Lincolnshire/Humberside - I read recently that many of the words in that area's dialect are indeed Scandanavian. It makes sense that we speak in a similar sequence. There was a major island - Doggerland and other small ones - until c.5000 BC in the North Sea. The distance wasn't so great for migration or invasions then on that side, as well earlier on.
  11. My sister-in law found it not too stressful with Zyban tablets which reduce the urge to smoke.
  12. Right. Long term, excess sodium chloride in the blood increases water intake into the bloodstream, which increases blood pressure. In a heart patient, attaining and maintaining a suitable lower blood pressure is very desirable for a good long term prognosis. Potassium chloride slows your heart down. It's used in executions, in the US, to stop the heart... I imagine IV administration of KCl in medical circumstances would only be given under attendant, medical supervision..
  13. I think they are asking the patient to abstain from salty foods because they want to be in more direct control of the patient's NaCl levels via IV administration. If the patient eats salty food as well as having it IV injected it may cause confounding test results and adverse physical effects.
  14. StringJunky


    The 4th dimension is not a spatial dimension, it is a temporal one i.e. time.
  15. Nice one for using a blatant infomercial for vitamins as a citation. Foot... shot. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true. Moral: 99% of everything on the internet is bollocks. 62.56789% of all statistics are made up. you need need to stop cherry-picking to support your arguments... and check the veracity of your sources.
  16. Spock Roolz.
  17. In Windows, a good step is to not use the main admin user account for routine tasks and browsing. I use a standard account, which has limited admin privileges, for my daily use. Linux has been so strong because you have to sign in for admin level privileges everytime and it cannot be overridden; Using Windows in Standard mode for routine use achieves the same end and leaving the admin account for only when absolutely necessary. Using UAC at full protection is also a good idea... pain in the ass though it is at first,
  18. A brand new car windscreen
  19. A sad mirror of the net collective mentality of the online community.
  20. Says more about the people that interacted with it.
  21. Right. Thanks for the correction.
  22. Would it be reasonable for the OP to think of an electron as a standing wave in a particular orbit, or shell, around the nucleus?
  23. Static guards in an establishment used to walk to fixed scanning points there and clock in by certain predetermined times to prove they were present as contracted.
  24. Here's good breakdown of the malware by Panda Security. http://www.pandasecurity.com/mediacenter/malware/cryptolocker/
  25. You could try Recuva (free) to find and recover the deleted files StudioT mentioned. https://www.piriform.com/recuva
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