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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Thank you for that Enthalpy.
  2. OK.Thanks. That's what I wanted to know.
  3. I meant physically located all over, in effect, rather than in some unknown discrete location. How should I visualise it according to current thinking? When the electron is unperturbed.
  4. Are electrons considered to be in a superposition of locations within its orbital when not being observed i.e. smeared out in the field in effect? When you measure it, the field becomes excited in a single location?
  5. I have recently been on medically prescribed vitamin D... 3000iu/day. Which is many times the RDA, for 3months, due to deficiency because of the treatment I was on; It took me just over the normal levels and I will be tested again shortly I was informed that over the counter tablets are a waste of time, you need to be medically assessed and prescribed the proper stuff in the proper amounts. Ideally, you should eat D-plentiful foods and have exposure to sunshine if there is no current deficiency. If you are going to cut yourself off completely from sunlight I would get your vit D blood levels checked on a timely basis...every 3 or 6 months say. Get prescribed by your doctor for the right stuff if necessary. Take medical advice about your intentions before you embark on this strategy.
  6. I imagine, also, some people have over-sensitivity problems with their eyes or visual system when exposed to it.
  7. And so it shall remain.
  8. I suppose the inspiration for that expression must have come from someone noticing that trend with these types of people and then they got stereotyped with it as a group. So, yes, there will be living examples of this caricuture profile.
  9. Trying to convince myself I need to kick my kilo-a-week-sugar-in--coffee habit.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. StringJunky


      I can't see it in our big stores websites. I like Green and Black's the best... quite pricey.

    3. StringJunky


      4 days into abstinence, I haven't flown off the handle once, so I think I'm going to keep at it; I'm not so mercurial. I've got to teach myself that it is "feel bad" chemical not a feelgood one, with it's superficial energy rush.

    4. StringJunky


      Table sugar and sweets and I are well and truly divorced. I've had a few headaches and cravings but the very welcome benefit of a more even mood far outweigh the withdrawal effects.

  10. I used to catch them with my hands in the shallow rivers and streams. I could touch and catch them before they realised what was going on.
  11. Yes, I didn't think about the fact that their emissions are quite customisable. Not read up much on them TBH. That was just an anecdote of mine I remembered and I thought "Hmm, that's not right".
  12. LED head torches contain UV emitting diodes - white ones - I used to use mine to charge my artificial, luminous fishing baits with them. About 10 seconds would bring them to full brightness when placed directly next to the lens.
  13. I would look into articles on making a photography darkroom... there will be shops online that specialise in supplying the necessary stuff. Darkroom lights will also be minimal UV...film is very, undesirably, responsive to it.
  14. You know that story too. Or: "Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive."
  15. I agree entirely...humble pie I've eaten many times. . At least you know you've done the correct thing, regardless of how it is responded to... one's sense of honour to oneself and to the recipient remains intact even if it has become dischordant. At the very least, by doing so, one hopes they will bear no grudges in the long term, when the dust has settled.
  16. It's like being a serial liar (not calling the OP that). How can the offender expect to believed in the times they do tell the truth?
  17. OK thanks.
  18. Right. I was just wondering if E+MC2 contained all invariant properties, if mass and c are. The total energy would be conserved in all frames but manifested in different form, depending on the frame, would it not?
  19. I think, ultimately, it requires empathy, an innate sense based on past familiarity with that person, whether they are genuine or not... I ask myself: How many times has my bullshit meter gone off with this person? If hardly ever, then I find it much easier to forgive. An effective apology requires that the recipient senses sincerity and contrition, commensurate with the nature, or degree, of the perceived offence. I think it is important not to turn the offender's feelings of humility into those of humiliation. The only result can be that they may feel disinclined to express such humility to others that they may offend in their future... it sets a bad precedent for them. Again, I find it is the less cognitively able and empathetic that tend to lack this insight , relying, instead, on their emotional response alone to be judge and jury. I might also add that it is also age and maturity that is a factor; I do expect very young people to lack this, regardless of mental abilities..
  20. Indeed, . Thank you guys. Well, that's a little bit more understood. Afterthought: Is energy, as measured from any frame, invariant as well?
  21. It's an absolute or constant parameter in this scenario?
  22. It is after all, a racy subject by it's very nature..
  23. With this forum in particular, I find the capacity of many long term members here for admitting their errors is very good, on the whole. It is one of the reasons I like this place. My personal experience is that ignorance and less cognitive ability correlates with a trend towards less humility. I think the researchers need to personally mix with both types in a social capacity to actually see the difference.
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