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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Rabbit in your headlights - UNKLE
  2. Funny. My grandad used to say: "An ounce of common sense is worth a pound of intelligence". His son got a Masters in engineering, and he always said he had no commonsense. Like the film awards, it's just self-congratulatory narcissism; corporate masturbation.
  3. It's a poseurs club for people that are good at doing puzzles. IQ tests might be useful for people with cognitive problems to determine the level of potential in performing certain mental tasks.
  4. No,you haven't missed anything, it's crap. Microwaves are non-ionising. You've got to get to Far-UV before it is ionising.
  5. Good point, Delta. Yes, it's self-limiting, of course..
  6. I think the heart transfer throughout the egg will be more even to the centre, done lightly energy-wise. If you cook something too hot, you can get a gradient of the food being cooked correctly towards the outside but not done in the middle... think of toasted bread.
  7. It's definitely the saddle. Even if if means, wastefully, buying two, three, or four saddles, in the end, do it. It is important that you protect yourself there. It can lead to nerve and back problems. It's an absolute pleasure when a seat just fits right. Basically, you want a seat that will not put any pressure on your perineum-area, at all. Find an ergonomically -shaped seat for your particular derriere, and spare no expense on the choosing the right one. I bought three in the end. Here's the Selle Italia site, expect to pay £50 - £100ish for one that will be right for you. I got mine for £35, but is normally £50. Shopping around is worth it. I'm sure immatfaal will give you tips on what yo look for. The Lady Man Gel flow looks good...will be about £100 for the Gel Flow range. Have a gander through the whole site... they are saddle specialists. My Selle Royal Respiro is fab... It will go on every bike I buy. http://www.selleitalia.com/en/prodotti/road/ A bike with a more sporty rider position is easier in the long run for riding but you still have to buy a saddleand seat on top to make it comfortable, for you Choose your grips, as well, with the same scrutiny if you are get a heavy, localised pressure-ache in your hands, after a while, with your current ones. You want grips that spread the load from your leaning over, on as much palm area as possible. Here's the Ergon site. If you do fancy any of those, let me know, and I'll let you know the ins-and-outs of the model codes within each type. The prices are about the same as the seats. http://www.ergon-bike.com/us/en/home A bike with a more sporty rider position is easier in the long run for riding log-distance, and hills, but you will still have to buy a saddleand seat on top to make it optimally comfortable, for you. If the pedal size is a bit mean on your bike, change them as well.
  8. (Response to bolded). Absolutely Mordred, the change in pictorial pixel density with distance, in such an image I have in mind, is as a graphic (as in 'graph-like') representation of the change in gravitational force with distance. It has no nature of 'substance', as commonly understood. That 'a particle is an excitaion in a field', I picked up from you a while ago, and it is now a part of my understanding. Could we say the idea of 'solid' is one of electromagnetic resistance between two bodies? Thanks for the other info, Mordred. I shall absorb what I can.
  9. I visualise gravity/spacetime curvature as a 360 density gradient, changing consistently with that generated by test masses and their interactions, as described by the appropriate equations.
  10. Morcheeba - By The Sea
  11. Yeah , the only way I can see it, is if the scanning frequency range is interpreted according to some pre-programmed colour algorithm that renders the colours we see. The visible spectrum cannot penetrate the body, so, it can't be direct daylight colour, like a normal camera,.
  12. In order to see the colours that we see in those parts in visible light, there needs to be that same spectrum reflecting off the body parts by the scanners, which there isn't. I might be wrong, but if you render with a different spectrum, the 'colours' will be different or have to be rendered post-capture.
  13. Made five coffees this morning with milk in...when I'm supposed to be fasting for a blood test. Old habits die hard.!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CharonY


      Yes, most adverse outcomes (such as hypertension) are related to caffeine consumption.

      There are are far more studies that indicate that coffee (not caffeine) may have a range of (weak) health benefits.

    3. StringJunky


      Would you say that caffeine, when present, negates the small benefits of the other coffee components, so decaff is better if those small benefits were the desired outcome ?

    4. CharonY


      That I don't know. The mechanisms of the health benefits are not really known (and they may be confounding factors). However, a handful of studies suggest that decaff also has benefits, but it is much less studied. If you are sensitive to caffeine it could be better, though. Also detrimental effects of caffeine tend to be only short-term (such as increased blood pressure). So even significant consumption (unless we are talking massive amounts) are likely not detrimental in the long term (...

  14. Yes, I think, if you maintain the same light levels you are not forcing your eyes to adapt to the frequently changing light intensity, as one looks at the screen and then away from it.. It's good for the focusing side of things to look away at frequent intervals, though. Optimally, one needs similar light levels, with frequent looking away, to minimise eyestrain. If you find the screen too intense at night, it can make you insomniac because the light of the screen is typically daylight balanced 24/7, which is too blue at night for winding down. Your brain takes the changing colour of the ambient light as a signal to adjust its level of activity between active and sedentary. You can get software that will adjust the colour temperature of your screen, according to the time of day and location. You can modify the colour from its defaults, F.Lux is one such example. In the latest iPhones it might be a native function that you can set up yourself. https://justgetflux.com/ Put these elements together, viewing becomes much more tolerable for longer periods, without upsetting your circadian rhythm and with less eye fatigue..
  15. If you are doing hills, you will be better postured with a road bike because it puts your back more in the sport position and it will be easier to pedal uphill. A sit-up-and-beg positioned bike, like you currently have, is hard work on inclines.
  16. You might be 'sure', but Xalatan knows the current state of applicable knowledge. Evidence trumps gut feelings, every time.
  17. Does intercourse affect testosterone levels?
  18. Yes, nice colour Sirona... I painted one the same but with silvered forks. Here's my steed. I love riding it now it's got the bits on that suit me ergonomically, like the seat (Selle Royal Respiro) , grips (Ergon GS3) and pedals (Halfords brand). I don't know if you know, Sirona, but comfortable seats, that you can sit on for hours, have a groove down the middle to take pressure off the perineum. Mine is designed so that air moves under that area as well. There's a vent at the front for airflow.
  19. Stimulus-wise, how does it differ from intercourse; the mechanics is the same? Does ones genitals know, or care, how it is stimulated. No. Historically, it's probably all housewives tales based on religious/moral grounds that forbade it. These were fabrications intended to instill fear in the ignorant community.
  20. I remember a PM a conversation with Dr R. He said he was an expert in only a very tiny area of physics... by his standards of what constituted an expert. When one listens to people like him, yourself, and others of the same level, for a while, one realises many people are quite naive what it takes to make a dent in the modern scientific knowledge base.
  21. When you get to your level, the area of expertise becomes smaller and more specialised, doesn't it? It's unlikely you can venture far, at the same level, into other specialties.
  22. Well, means what he says, doesn't he? He found the easier way to do it.
  23. My apologies, Sensei. I take it back.
  24. This is the main mantra of the "natural is better" quack medicine industry. There's a, supposedly, massive Big Pharma conspiracy to stop people from accessing cheap, natural, medicine.But if one gets off ones backside and does an elementary check on a few supplements of the available research about them, they are, invariably, found wanting. Natural supplement shops are like betting shops... they just want your money. They exploit the fact that fools/ignorants and their money are easily parted.
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