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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It's funny really, America is a mongrel nation, just like GB. Those ruling the country are not the indigenous people... the 'aliens' are calling the shots. Pot.. kettle...
  2. Guilty as charged, Your Honour. I forget which section I'm in sometimes. I do endeavour to ask questions that try to help the OP.by putting a different slant on the topic.
  3. It's still false colour. They will probably use colours that reflect how we see the sample sections when they are exposed to natural light.
  4. Yes, also, there were plenty more lethal diseases and physical problems to kill you in the past.
  5. I just thought of jeweller's rouge, which is very fine ferric oxide (rust) used for polishing stones. You want the dry powder form. It's quite cheap. I would paint some thin adhesive on then sprinkle the powder until the desired effect is achieved.
  6. It's called columnar jointing. You can see pentagons in this basalt pile. If you look bottom left of the structure, you can see puddles on the top of four or five columns... there's the source of the dimple in the OPs sample which is simple water erosion. You can see some drier ones adjacent to them that are clearly dished in the middle..
  7. Counterintuitively, I was suggesting less sex = increase in probability.
  8. Say one went from daily sex to twice or thrice weekly sex, one could actually be increasing the probability of pregnancy occurring because the sperm count and quality would be higher... concentration and population matters, particularly those men with lower counts and/or lower quality sperm.
  9. I noted, at the time of reading about his proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, that Andrew Wiles is a secretive little squirrel.
  10. Also, could be on medical therapy that advises against it or be genetically predisposed to having children that may get a debilitating or life-threatening condition. Having a child could threaten the life of the mother.
  11. As a trend,it seems that way. Men have a higher resting metabolic rate, different fat distribution and the types of fat that are utilised. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33760845
  12. This is a link to the story about Lavabit mentioned in that news article and how that played out when they were pressured to reveal all its SSL keys,.. they shut down.
  13. State-level autonomy is a major barrier to 'socialising' America. This autonomy is the biggest problem to bring about change; it inhibits every major aspect of US life that needs changing. This autonomy guarantees stasis with very little freedom for political innovation. You do, indeed need to move to the left more. I'm not a Socialist by UK standards, by the way, but definitely to the left of the US left.
  14. That's the long and the short of it.
  15. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relatywistyczny_efekt_Dopplera x-posted with Strange
  16. If I'm not breaking the law, I don't want profiling. The state does not have an inalienable right to know things about its citizens that are not a threat to society.
  17. You need to fix it if you want to go to that level, and understand it. I'm not very competent myself in maths but it seems clear to me, that you expect people who are competent to verbalise everything when, in fact, these concepts are essentially purely mathematical.
  18. What?! Lowry's matchstick men pictures, not masterpieces?! Besides, that's not the essence of what he meant.
  19. Accounting for the oblate shape and gravitational acceleration at the equator and poles, the difference is is 0.5%.
  20. Nah... string theory will be pimped and modded until it fits; square pegs will go into round holes.
  21. The only practical way, I can see, is to randomly codify with a matching key for interpretation. I think it's called a 'one-time encryption'.
  22. The problem with a consistent language, although perhaps very obscure, is that it's symbology is consistent and a pattern will eventually reveal itself, with scrutiny. A letter or number is assigned a sound or meaning. You have to dissociate this consistent connection between certain values and their equivalent interpretation,.into a language/code someone else can't understand. The associations must, therefore, necessarily be randomly generated with each message, so a key has to be produced just for that message. I think that's how encryption works.
  23. You have to be certain you've got all the root though, which can be quite a task.
  24. Mike, how many times have you brought this subject up?
  25. "Let them eat cake" - M. Antoinette. You think we are acting like the bourgoisie?
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