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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Do you have any links that might elaborate on the apparatus setup and how it works? Or even the name of that technique would help me to search myself.
  2. I think that's how they do it by bouncing it off well-spaced apart mirrors.
  3. Wherever the observer is, it's always c. Note that strange stressed that the combined apparent SOL is 2c, but the speed of each, the light and craft, is still c, or nearly, since massive objects can't quite get there.
  4. I read a little bit yesterday and the idea is to deprive the tumour of iron.
  5. What you are buying is the licence to use W!0. Just download it off the internet then use the licence number in the box to validate. They are still dickheads though.
  6. If the SOL is the universal speed limit, it might be better to ask: "Why is the speed of light the speed it is?" because it doesn't have the constraint of mass to hold it back? What I've learnt, so far, is that it is limited by the properties of the vacuum of space.
  7. The Devil or the deep blue sea....I'll toss.
  8. Part of the problem is that white policeman don't have enough black peers/colleagues to help them understand the nuances of black American subculture from a law enforcement perspective.
  9. The encryption is end-to-end. Apple in this case..
  10. If something like 9/11 happened now, at this period in the international discussion, that would be the perfect shoo-in for the governments to impose what they want. They might sit tight now until the next major incident that fits the bill for them..
  11. I could well be wrong, but I understood the production of GWs started at the point of complete merger. This is point where there has been a change in mass, you need this to produce them. To me, it follows then, that there is only one object producing one set of waves, the waves from the new and bigger blackhole, the short period the merger is completing... that's that spiky bit in the signal. This is that Caltech LIGO video again:
  12. You should be able to get a serviceable 15.4" laptop (my preference) for what you want it for, for $300-400 dollars. You need to budget for a CAD program, which is in the $200 - $500 range for amateur/semi pro level, it seems - the NanoCAD looks worth investigating. That''ll add up to about $600: CAD software: http://www.computeraideddesignguide.com/top-five-affordable-cad-software-packages/ Laptop specs for CAD: http://www.computeraideddesignguide.com/what-best-laptop-for-autocad/ I would forget about trying to find a free CAD... you get what you pay for. I think a free one would be next to useless and frustrating.
  13. Most likely that they are different varieties or the same variety grown under different conditions.
  14. Why would it be? Is perfectly sensible.
  15. Layman's description of a blackhole merger: "Imagine a bath emptying, with 2 soggy dumplings circling the plug hole and then forming into one as they hit the centre of the vortex"
  16. Thanks Mordred. It''s hard to visualise in 3d, polarisations of waves. It seems you do need asymmetry for GWs, that I asked in my other question. Supernovas must also explode asymmetrically to generate GWs, it said..
  17. I think you missed an 'o' out, it should be quadrupole. Can you explain the two GW polarisations here. What are we looking at here? http://webs.um.es/bussons/GW_lecture_KG.pdf
  18. Either way, it's just political wangling for either party to get the upperhand, isn't it? Sad really, justice should be free from political bias. I think it's already been said, that politicians should make policy and justices should decide if those policies are legal and constitutional, not whether they agree politically/personally with it or not
  19. My turn to be thick. I don't get it
  20. In the beginning they probably started out in forests leaping from tree to tree at dusk/night and then evolved to glide, then onto flying. Poor eyesight and echolation possibly co-evolved with the flight?
  21. Perhaps, they found an untapped resource niche in the form of airborne night insects... competition is minimal for them.
  22. By getting rid of the non-whites.
  23. The experiment was performed with the expectation that it did exist as well by the researchers, wasn't it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson%E2%80%93Morley_experiment
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