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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think you missed an 'o' out, it should be quadrupole. Can you explain the two GW polarisations here. What are we looking at here? http://webs.um.es/bussons/GW_lecture_KG.pdf
  2. Either way, it's just political wangling for either party to get the upperhand, isn't it? Sad really, justice should be free from political bias. I think it's already been said, that politicians should make policy and justices should decide if those policies are legal and constitutional, not whether they agree politically/personally with it or not
  3. My turn to be thick. I don't get it
  4. In the beginning they probably started out in forests leaping from tree to tree at dusk/night and then evolved to glide, then onto flying. Poor eyesight and echolation possibly co-evolved with the flight?
  5. Perhaps, they found an untapped resource niche in the form of airborne night insects... competition is minimal for them.
  6. By getting rid of the non-whites.
  7. The experiment was performed with the expectation that it did exist as well by the researchers, wasn't it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson%E2%80%93Morley_experiment
  8. This is the real story why bats fly at night:
  9. Ha! ftfy: Fixed That For You.
  10. I immediately got Phi's humour.... long may it continue. If I was capable mathematically, to the necessary level, my papers would be formula-dense and word-free to keep it just on an A4. I think this is a good attitude because you don't want to bore your reader with excess words that meander around your subject and just act as fillers, which serve no real communicative purpose.
  11. I'd be no good then, presenting a science paper. Anything more than A4 and I think I'm being verbose.
  12. Any serious rebuttal to Relativity is not going to be deposited at vixra, don't you think?
  13. Because they are not 'tangible' to him, methinks.
  14. Even up to the sixties. Marilyn Monroe for one. Haute Couture model recruiters would go up to her now and say: "Too fat darling, come back when we can see your ribs". I kid not.
  15. Does the difference in masses of dual orbiting bodies cause each to take a more eccentric path around the centre of mass than if their masses were equal? If so would the eccentricity enhance the signal for Earth detectors?
  16. Yes, there's still a big dollop of probability at the macro level. Edit: Perhaps my post better relates to abiogenesis.
  17. I would, slightly, disagree with that. There is an inevitability, or determinism, in the physica/chemical behaviour of atoms/molecules under favourable conditions and exposure. to each other. If something is going to happen at this level, it will only happen in a limited number of ways, perhaps only one way in some cases.
  18. My instant reaction was "Bollocks". Having read it, I still think the same. There are mo references or even authors mentioned. I think you know that. X-posted with SwansonT
  19. I don't think so. To repeat myself, when one is talking about objects in fundamental physics one runs out of definitions very quickly; they are what they are. Imagine that houses were made of fundamental particles i.e. can't be broken down any further, called "Bricks". You might be asked: "What is a house made of?". You answer: "Bricks". Them: "But what are bricks made of?" You: "Bricks". The same goes for non-massive phenomena.
  20. I think they must have realised the people's BS meter was going into the red and decided to change tack. We still, unfortunately, need these people but I think the judges should enshrine tighter oversight, requiring explicit permissions into law. There should be sworn-in, qualified committees, unconnected to law enforcement, that are privy to their activities. I would draw the line at matters of national defence, nuclear stuff etc., because that information must necessarily be shared between as few as possible.
  21. If you deconstruct anything you will end up at a point which, ultimately, is axiomatic. Spacetime is one of those things, I think, where you you can 'diassemble' it to space and time and that's it. They are fundamental. What is time? It's what clocks measure. Note the lack of description of time itself in that definition.
  22. The FBI is now showing it's true colours, contrary to what it said before::
  23. Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler. - A. Einstein. If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain.
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