If you are in front of a computer, Ipad-type or phone alot at night it might be the light from them is too blue. Blue light is a signal to the brain that it is daylight,and hence, keeps you more awake at the wrong time. Evening light is more yellow/orange and a LOT easier on the eyes at night as well as a signal to wind down.. The light from your device(s) may be messing up your day/night body-rythmn, extending your 'day' too much.
You might want to try software for your device that adjusts the blue/red balance in the evening in your area. I use F-Lux, but there are others. I am only a data point of one but it sorted out my insomnia which lead to oversleeping in the morning. You can adjust the balance to suit and input your location in F-Lux. It's free. I think some phone manufacturers are starting to provide a similar facility in their latest phones.