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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Not in the UK. Not sure, about the numbers but an at least significant number of children with gender dysphoria will revert to the self-identity associated with their physical gender around puberty. Knowing this statistic, it would be highly irresponsible to state-sanction such a procedure when it may just be a transient phase. I'm sure the same attitude prevails elsewhere.
  2. So they can have some life without it and learn other things. Life gets exponentially complicated once sex proper comes into the picture. It's just an opinion and it boils down to what a society is used to.
  3. When push comes to shove, for me, this is what it boils down to: preserving a child's sexual naivete until puberty kicks in.
  4. Do we really want a bonobo lifestyle?
  5. I think you hear what you want hear and ignore the rest. What we perceive is a construct. It seems from what I've read over the years our senses are not faithful passive recorders; the brain will reject and accept information as it sees fit.
  6. It's better to view the BB as the limit of what we currently know with any confidence, that is supported by any evidence. Thinking passed that is just pure imagination at the moment.
  7. It's OK to use online stuff (part of an article anyway) but it is important you attribute authorship with a link and separate your writing from your quotes. It's called 'plagiarism, otherwise, which is illegal and not just against forum rules.
  8. If you are in front of a computer, Ipad-type or phone alot at night it might be the light from them is too blue. Blue light is a signal to the brain that it is daylight,and hence, keeps you more awake at the wrong time. Evening light is more yellow/orange and a LOT easier on the eyes at night as well as a signal to wind down.. The light from your device(s) may be messing up your day/night body-rythmn, extending your 'day' too much. You might want to try software for your device that adjusts the blue/red balance in the evening in your area. I use F-Lux, but there are others. I am only a data point of one but it sorted out my insomnia which lead to oversleeping in the morning. You can adjust the balance to suit and input your location in F-Lux. It's free. I think some phone manufacturers are starting to provide a similar facility in their latest phones. https://justgetflux.com/
  9. The visual system can unconsciously register the difference between frequencies in the range 100 - 150Hz, even though we can only see about up to 75Hz in a consciously differential manner... any higher and just appears continuous. Characterizing and Minimizing LED Flicker in Lighting Applications
  10. There is a lot of truth in this, I think. On the basic social level (not family) people only generally gravitate, on a regular basis, towards those that will benefit them materially or egotistically in some way.
  11. Yes. Using the word "class" in the positive sense, and not in the strictly socio-economic sense: you can't buy it... I think that is what many purely money-minded people hope to achieve. In the examples of "old money" that I have met. they are very unassuming and the baubles and clothes they wear don't pull in attention from 100 yards!
  12. Yes, he's 87... gotta retire sometime.
  13. When I see people flashing premium watches I think to myself: " Probably fake". Shot in the foot status-wise if it is and one gets found out.
  14. I presume you mean 'over; not 'by' . Apoptosis-able cells are self-selecting, only the immortal cells will be left in the end.
  15. They won't self-destruct - apoptose.
  16. It looks suspiciously chunky that 'magnet' he's holding. Could there be apparatus within the bulky part that causes the ball to spin via rotating magnetic inductance... he holds the end right in the wheel groove.
  17. Fashion, by definition, involves following a trend. How is this behaviour exclusive?
  18. Nice to see someone concede gracefully... rare as the proverbial rockinghorse...
  19. It'll be a modification to them that's patented
  20. Aren't they carried in the pouches after they are born?
  21. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    I think if he were alive today, based on my understanding here, he would support commonsense rules regarding weapons.
  22. I would imagine so, as the plant's energy will be directed from vegetative growth (structural) to fruiting/seeding once pollinated.
  23. They often the only things they are allowed to touch without supervision... they are conditioned that touching/playing with them is permissible and they are their first items where they learn 'ownership'
  24. Nice piece for chillin'. It does have a dark air about it but it's quite relaxing and introspective. It has a Simple Minds feel to it, to me.
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