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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Nice piece for chillin'. It does have a dark air about it but it's quite relaxing and introspective. It has a Simple Minds feel to it, to me.
  2. Yes, globally, modern social boundaries and quantitative connectedness are ever increasing, but on a personal level, social bonds and group identity are becoming more tenuous.
  3. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    Impossible, save complete societal collapse. To sell keeping things as they are here in the UK just point to America,
  4. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    I agree... it's so 18th Century.
  5. So that we can function optimally. The beneficial bacteria physically take up the breeding/nutrient space that pathogenic species would populate... numbers matter. Evolution is accidental... there is no reason. When you are born you pick up various species from the birth canal....this gives you your starting population. You might find this Wiki on Vaginal Flora interesting.
  6. I don't know what happened there, When I double-checked the link after writing that post it gave the 'Paradox' page. I'm using Firefox on Win. 10
  7. Link to Wiki: Russell's Paradox Copy URL > Type a link word or words, like above and highlight it > Click 'Link' icon in main editor > Paste > Save
  8. Cancer is not a single disease with a single cause. Gilead Sciences acquired Sofosbuvir, the first quick-acting cure for hepatitis c with few side effects, for $11B.. Since 2013 they have generated 3 or 4 times that. They will make probably $20-30B this year and then the other companies will catch up with their versions by next year and their profits will start to soften. These drugs are $40 000 to $ 100 000 per patient. Sofosbuvir and it's variant is just about the biggest selling drug globally to date. Now, tell me again.....
  9. Couldn't guns have a statutorily-enforced minimum amount of trigger-pull such that it would be much more difficult for a child to fire I also read about a woman recently adjusting her gun that was in her bra and mortally shot herself... the trigger was too soft, possibly?
  10. I imagine chemo would mess your appetite, resulting in caloric restriction anyway.
  11. I agree. He should just put his name and 'BSc/BA Biology' after it for the work associated with his ideas.
  12. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    Yes, damn him. In the absence of data we have much more freedom to wave our arms.
  13. Alternative medicine is alternative for a reason: the evidence is very thin to non-existent. If it worked it would be a conventional treatment.
  14. I like to learn and discuss what we already know. In terms of personally and constructively contributing to science, I harbour no illusions what is probably required... I don't have it.
  15. This is not a creative writing forum.
  16. What would the International Space Station residents see 'orbiting' a flat Earth?
  17. I think you are right. The world is megalopolising into one and we are generally becoming ever smaller fish in an ever increasing pond; less and less important and relevant. This is not good for ego and self-worth.
  18. Photos only travel in a vacuum and always at c. True, given that a vacuum exists even in media; between particles?
  19. Like an axiom, there is no 'why' in postulate. It just is.
  20. It's a postulate that happens to hold true on investigation.
  21. I think it is inefficient on time and effort to doubt, by default, what recognised experts say within their field. I go on the basis that any incongruities and falsehoods will soon come to light, if they are there, with reading the works of several experts in the field. I look for consensus and always keep in mind that what appears correct today may well be wrong, or outside its 'domain of validity', tomorrow. This is from my position as an interested amateur.
  22. She's probably holding investors money... it's not hers. She likely offered shares based on a promise..
  23. If you observe, with photons say, you are most likely altering the electrons energy and hence their measured behaviour.
  24. Given the right conditions, (even if impractical) can't they be made to react with most elements? The idea being that they are inert under normal conditions of S.T.P.
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