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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. That screws my theory then.
  2. Maybe you are just getting older. What would you be saying if you were their peer now? Which is the correct viewpoint? I look at it like this: I'm not the target audience... being in my fifties.
  3. It's an accepted American rite of passage for certain parts of the college demographic.
  4. You need to go and read some science books. AJB is using absolutely bog-standard terms
  5. What I suggested avoids that state of, what is ultimately, wilful future ignorance.
  6. When it's time to use Speedfan, it's time to get a technician on your computer; for reasons already pointed. You've reached a point of essential maintenance.
  7. An amendment can be amended, by definition. What qualified the founding fathers to make amendments but not today's lawmakers?
  8. I suggest an international statute of limitation of ownership after decommissioning. After this period, any enterprising company may remove eligible satellite for their own commercial exploitation.
  9. Today's dream ...tomorrow's reality. We are just information in a wet bag.
  10. "All Hail to the Holy Constitution"
  11. "Deeply mathematcal" supersedes "deeply etymological", of course. Science just gets to alter words as it sees fit and calls it a "fallacy" when the historical meaning is used. Etymologically, Universe as pertaining to multiverses is an oxymoron.
  12. ...and microwaving food in plastic is out because that leaches phthalates, which mess with the endocrine system. We'll just have to go back to raw.... Sushi anyone? Oh bugger... forgot about the dimethyl mercury in that.
  13. Yes. A wise man learns from his own mistakes. A clever man learns from the mistakes of others.
  14. Do they ensure the slit material is optically opaque? I presume they do but thought I'd ask.
  15. Nice to see you scraping the barrel Harold. Millions of people in the UK don't have guns on their property and burglars know that. 53 years later I'm still waiting for the gun-toting burglar, or to even hear of it happening near me. Why is that Harold?
  16. I don't disagree with anything here.
  17. I meant subject to a ban due to some predefined default,, could have worded that better... I didn't mean random and on a whim. It's not as inalienable as a human right.
  18. Rights are fundamental to ALL citizens ...people can be arbitrarily banned from owning guns, therefore, it's a privilege.
  19. But a basketball can't interfere with itself... can it?
  20. Is the experiment not valid because it is not bound by quantum rules at that scale?
  21. If a post-doc has their own novel research they can set up their own biotech company, list it and draw the necessary investment, the rewards can be in the stratosphere. It amazes me that these companies pass around billions like they are mere thousands. Lots of biotech companies only have one product.
  22. Don't US policeman have batons and other methods of non-lethal force against unarmed people?
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