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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. 'Truth' iis what agrees with what we know now compared to what we knew before; it will always be plastic from our perspective.
  2. Biospsychology by J.J Pinel is great for the neuroscientific underpininnings of percepetion.
  3. Perhaps geocentrism naturally evolved from egocentrism which we are all born with to start.
  4. Lack of exercise, amongst other things, is a risk factor. Taking vitamin D should not be thought of as a way to mitigate the effects of doing no exercise.
  5. They get their D from food.
  6. Why cherry-pick all the bits you like from an existing religion, why not make your own up from scratch?
  7. I'll agree with you because you are keeping within the accepted definitions.
  8. Yes, it's a matter of degree. I was looking at it in an absolute sense of self-determination.
  9. From that page. He paraphrased it a bit: Personally, I disagree because everyone doing their own thing is anarchy ...that's not civilisation.
  10. They use different thicknessess for the panels as well.
  11. Thanks. ...and set on fire as well. What can Obama et al do in the face of such religious-like fervour towards weapons?
  12. Any of our ancestors you care to mention. i read a report by a Saudi journalist that described gay life there ...it's tolerated as long as you don't draw attention to yourself or demand rights. Due to the strict social rules, otherwise straight Saudi men seek the furtive company of other Saudi men in order to find sexual expression outside marriage. This is what I meant by 'over and above'; there are men doing things they would not do in more amenable circumstances. Sex will be found, gay or not
  13. Homosexuality predates culture. Oppressive cultures like Islamic culture, encourage the existence of homosexuality over and above those who are homosexually inclined... culture does have an effect but not necessarily in the way one might imagine.
  14. As long as people talk about rose-tinted crap like "Our Founding Fathers....", it will persist. History is just twisted by the proponents to suit them. In the UK, we revere the Magna Carta, and yet only two things on it are still binding. One has to understand the times for which laws are made... doesn't one?
  15. Where'd you get those stories/statistics?
  16. Pointless, given that he has never denied his part, and especially, not letting others forget theirs.
  17. That is a mess but... carry on regardless. Wonder what the critical density when hostilities start?
  18. You shouldn't anthropomorphise nature. Nature is just the way things are, it is not an entity. i agree with your basic premise that killing for pleasure is something that not compatible with notions of the higher ideals of humanity.
  19. I rescue worms stranded on the pavement.
  20. Yeah,Earth will get boiled dry eventually, apparently. as the Sun transforms to a giant red.
  21. Running away from a US police officer is a capital offence. I've bookmarked that site and it's disturbing that some people have been shot when it is them that have rung the police, clearly in distress of a suicidal nature.
  22. I am a very frequent reader of CDC material and now consider it as primary source. It is very, very disturbing that they cannot do their work with the necessary lack of bias or outside influence. If it was happening here I would be an activist.
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