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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It just struck me, with CharonY's post: they know exactly how many policeman are killed/died and how. If that's not iniquitous I don't know what is. Also, not having the numbers of killed citizens makes it look like they don't care.
  2. This page might enlighten you a bit more.
  3. Yes, I wanted to keep the differences and number of parameters very simple and relative. Your answers are expressed in the way I wanted to see it. Thanks.
  4. Calorie restriction with a view to prolonging longevity makes sense if you surmise that the body has a certain developmental path and at the end of it you die. If you can take longer to reach that point of development by calorie restriction/lower metabolism your chronological age should be higher than if you promote development by increasing the energy supply. I think fish live longer if they are fed less, but the difference in that they are poikilothermic, vs our endothermic metabolism, blurs that a lot probably.
  5. Why do we keep talking about this and keep being shocked and wring our hands in despair?! I'll have get in touch with Pope Francis and see if he can rattle some more US cages.
  6. The difference between the two foods is how they affect the Glycaemic Index (GI). A high GI food will cause sharper insulin spikes,; you'll have more sharply defined periods of satiety and hunger. I think this promotes bingeing because, metabollically, you are burning-and-crashing instead of a smoother ebb-and-flow with a low GI diet.
  7. Yes, it's too easy to forget we are talking about real people.
  8. Assuming the same surface characteristics - glossy - the reflections are the same but the contrast range of the reflections is greater in black. Black starts dark and lightens through shades of grey to white. The reverse doesn't happen so much with white.
  9. A grand total of about 70 people have been killed by UK police since 1920, one every 16 months, averaged. There's even a wiki page with nearly all the names, dates and places. It really puts us at a severe disadvantage not having guns to protect ourselves with, doesn't it?
  10. He's the wisest Pope I've seen in my lifetime. I've read about him a few times and seems to be a 'Do as I do' and not 'Do as I say' sort of chap. If he carries on like this, we''ll have to petition him for honorary membership to the IPCC
  11. Hunting to eat is one thing, hunting so one can have a picture taken happily smiling with a dead animal is another. Motive matters. Tradition is not a substitute for ethics.
  12. A Che Guaevara in a smock. Good luck to him. This is very pointed:
  13. It'll have a graduated colour chart with it which you match the result to and gauge the pH. Less than 7 is acidic and more than 7 is alkaline. Plain water ia about 7. HCL is strongly acidic.
  14. Like I replied to him earlier somewhere: "Weather is not climate". S'pose I'll have to clarify what I meant.
  15. Those are ideals. Two lines from a couple of Floyd songs is more the reality "Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie" "Together we stand, divided we fall"
  16. Theories build on what is already known.... the wheel has been invented.
  17. Unless I'm mistaken, I took the underlying message, implicit in your question, was that the Antarctic ice is evidentially not receding.
  18. Weather is not climate. Harold, you're not thick... start again with an open and scientific mind.
  19. This is what I understand about Li-Ion batteries and I do with mine. I get 6-7 hours and got it last December. A battery has a maximum number of charges; about 300-400. I leave mine on mains adapter all the time*, and run it on battery, down to the low-battery warning only about once a month. Never discharge a battery until it's absolutely flat. Charging to 100% and then running it flat will kill it in months. The ideal % range to to be charging and discharging is 80% down to 20% before recharging again... if you have to. Get some kind of low tilted stand that you can put the laptop on to put more air-space under it so it doesn't get too hot...heat hurts batteries. This link will take to The Battery University website, which is great for learning about them. Have a look around it. *Leaving the adapter in all the time will not kill the battery because it will switch charging off once it is full. Note: If you use a hard-drive data cleaner, like Ccleaner, it will wipe out all the logs, causing repeat messages about calibrating etc.
  20. I like how Wheeler has his name last (MTW), even though he was the mentor of the other two. I've only learnt just recently how much of a bigshot he was. Star Trek, and Spock in particular, was my fave tele as a kid.
  21. I know what you mean, good job we are on the right side of fifty. ;
  22. Isn't this style faster and more efficient? Less symbolism for a given idea.
  23. Pretty good catch in having Thorne as a consultant though. He co-wrote Gravitation didn't he?
  24. Four channels Phi? You were lucky, when I were a lad in UK we only had 3. I can't tell you how much I love the internet.... Data, Data, Data! I wish I'd been born in the Nineties. I was a bookworm as a kid but the books out of the library were at least ten years out of date. it's not all roses, but we have never had a better time to exchange information and get a truly world-wide view of things so we can find solutions to our problems.
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