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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Wouldn't the carrier oils used inhibit dermal transfer as well? A quick google says vegetable, nut and seed oils are used. Edited to add.
  2. 1/infinity = infinitesimal (approaching zero but not zero)
  3. I found this that mirrors what I posted earlier:
  4. Extraterrestrial deposits; meteor or comet fragments. If you look closely, patches look composed of round shapes, with some overlapping, consistent with head-on impact. If it's icy, shiny stuff that would be quite reflective.
  5. Don't forget the crampons as well. " Oh sorry Darling, did I just tread on your hand?"
  6. Information cannot exist without some .physical structure representing it. Is that what you are trying to say?
  7. Maybe, your brain just gets gridlocked and you experience a kind of neurological 'whiteout' manifesting as a spasm occasionally..
  8. ...and because he was a good sport when he wasn't.
  9. Yes. A three month hike together around the Himalayas, in a two-man tent with bare essentials, should soon lay bare any incompatibilities and areas needing mutual compromise.
  10. What makes the mass move if it's in equilibrium? The only way I can see it, is that it takes some unknown time to move because there is some physical disequilibrium within the mass, when it sits on the top for some indeterminate duration, which has not yet manifested as movement. Although it is measurably still, it is not settled; in a sense, it's momentum may temporarily be equally distributed in all directions. Is that scientifically sensible?
  11. Real friends tell you how it really is, not just what you want to hear.
  12. If you ever do, you will be freaked.
  13. I've been through an Earthquake-like experience on waking and I couldn't move
  14. Inequality creates disequilibrium which causes action. if everything was content and in internal equilibrium like the inert gases nothing would happen.. The answer is 'yes'.
  15. Hi, my name's Melvin and I'm an addict...
  16. In this thread I posted the CV of a chap he was using as a reference to support his argument. I think he's trying to make the point that you don't have to be qualified to do something great in another field, but the trouble is the people are quailified, given the era they existed in, for what they are famous for.
  17. Yes, you've got tens of thousands of them , you can't expect all of them to be exactly the same colour. That particular follicle is lacking pigment, that's all. You just notice it because your hair is very black and you are young so it stands out more. Wait another 15 years and you'll be riddled with white hairs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_follicle
  18. So, you are only 99.999999% perfect. I am truly devastated for you... how can life be so mean! It might not be genetic, maybe that follicle is just not functioning fully due to so some past injury to it.
  19. Mr Eschenbach's C.V.:
  20. An infant's microbiota gets kickstarted by ingesting material as it comes through its mother's birth canal. What you eat roughly determines the composition of gut flora. People have been given fecal transplants so, yes, you will likely live.
  21. Cows are ruminants so probably don't pass through intact... and they chew the cud.
  22. So, you've been through my link? Quick reader are you not?
  23. http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
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