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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. That and Fowler's
  2. It's interesting how a simple enquiry about a single word can spiral off into a discussion about the direction the world is heading!
  3. I don't think money factored in the minds of the Kamikazi pilots. On the OP: War is war, all targets are legitimate. War is not a fight between soldiers, it is between nations. Todays child is tomorrows soldier. I find it faintly absurd the idea of surgical warfare.
  4. We are products of our time. Every generation says: " <insert subject> is going to the dogs.".
  5. I think so. I can. take a headache tablet (any) and within 10 minutes it is subsiding. It is not feasible that the active ingredients have arrived at the necessary areas, in sufficient quantity to start working.
  6. ydoaps was, quite likely, acting on a complaint I made shortly before he posted. I thought his response quite proportionate and intelligent, He actually tried to teach him something when the shoe's on the other foot... but to no avail. One can be smart but not smart where it really matters.
  7. Imatfaal Lewin is persona non grata at MIT.
  8. Momentum. The forces that make up the string constitutes the centripetal force. In the absence of the string it will go on a straight line journey. The centripetal force exerted by the string is what makes the ball travel in a circle.
  9. Language is like biological evolution, constantly changing. You are, I think, actually lamenting the disappearing habits of language-use from your own youth. C'est la vie!
  10. I never would, and never will, use 'naiveness',,, naivete it is. Perhaps, it could be modified to naivety.
  11. I had a quick read around . There are ancient fault lines under the plates, which slip occasionally. I presume the current continental plates are sitting over the joins of older plates underneath. I'm too far away to feel that one, shame.
  12. I never thought about information vs data when i wrote that. Yes, I agree, data is what you construct information with. I think you can think of information as a 'pattern' of data arranged via a medium, which can be transposed to another medium.
  13. Couldn't the duality be explained by: matter travels as a wave but that wave can only be absorbed/measured in discrete units? It's the discreteness that implies a particle. Wavy-particles.
  14. Was the study design, in terms of the number and variety of study arms, good in your opinion? What were the weak spots in the design with the beetles?
  15. Information seems to be a property of things. In the absence of things, information can't exist. A bit like energy.
  16. It's a bummer that the paper is behind a paywall. This Phys. Org article on it is bit more depth than my first link.
  17. Also, I presume, the thickening of the lining will reduce the available freespace for gas exchange; loss of internal volume.
  18. Is "centrifuge" a misnomer?
  19. In genetics, two-cell fusion is less error-prone than single-cell division because a pathological mutation of an allele in one cell could be negated by a mon-mutated copy in the other; it's not guaranteed because you have recessive and dominant but the risk for error is reduced.. Necessitate 3 different sexes to mate and the probability of reproductive success goes down because more elements need to be at the same place at the same time which, probably, outweighs the added advantage of greater diversity than two..
  20. I think psychedelic substances are in the mix there somewhere.
  21. I think hermaphroditism is a failsafe strategy in case sexual reproduction is not available. The downside to it is that there is no genetic diversification. Some types of female plants will produce male parts to make pollen in the absence of male plants..
  22. I didn't realise you were being literal about the incubator. I envisaged some capable technology. In an embryo everything is there to begin the development of a baby. The DNA is the instructions for a person. Yes, in hair-clippings the instructions are there but nothing else that is necessary.
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