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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. What is 'real' and what is an 'object'? To the second question: the boundary of what constitutes an object, and how many there are, is arbitrary. Is a wall a plural of objects (bricks) or a single object?
  2. Here's the dumbed down version for the rest of us. :http://phys.org/news/2015-04-atomic-clock-accuracy.html
  3. Organisms don't necessarily tend towards complexity unless selection pressures bias them that way. I don't know if this will clarify but the 'goal' of an organism, and hence evolution, is to make copies of itself, not to increase in complexity. If an adaptation increases an organisms' chances of reproducing it will be passed on. Likewise, if the loss of a trait improves its chances of reproducing it will be passed on; It can go either way and still be successful.
  4. On the subject of relative gene numbers: : Why Onions Have More DNA Than You Do
  5. We covered this in your last thread.
  6. Succumbing to ones creativity and intuition, and painting pretty pictures in ones mind is much easier than struggling with horrible nasty numbers..
  7. Of course. Right now. This minute. This is the state of the art.
  8. Yes, as the matter coalesces, like a skater pulling her arms in, its rate of rotation increases.
  9. You can get USB external cases for laptop hard drives. I recycle my laptop HD's this way; cheap backup devices. A case is usually £10-15.
  10. That's me to a tee. I break things to learn how to fix them for when they break. Needless to say, Ive had to buy replacements more than once in the course of learning to fix them. Laptops are quite expensive when you have to buy them twice.
  11. It's absolute rubbish, preying on the fears of the naive. It's a tin-foil hat site.
  12. If you think about this clearly: If we imagine radiation being emitted fro all around your equipment, how is a small piece of whatever substance going to draw the radiation to it? You would have to completely surround it with the Zeolite for it to protect you; if it could.. If you are using a modern TV/ monitor display the idea is moot anyway because only the visible-light frequency photons comes from your screen. The old CRT screens could emit a few beta rays I think.
  13. That's the standout impression I got: concern for justice. If he can make a few bob now, good for him; he deserves it. Capitalising was clearly not the initial over-riding motive. In hindsight, his actions were notable for its genuine altruism; the first thing he did was give it to the family.
  14. Read - properly - what he was responding to when he wrote that.
  15. The maximum extent to where we can see is 46 billion light years. It has expanded, from you, 46BLyrs distance in 13Byrs of time.
  16. Was you going to see its development through to the beetle stage?
  17. The beauty of our democracies is that it is time-limited and policies are reversible. Proportional representation is a recipe for stasis and inter-party bickering.
  18. Did you read the first link? Interesting how, when threatened, it goes on its back and flicks itself away out of trouble, making a click sound as it does so.
  19. I think it's the same for everyone everywhere. The measurement of increasing velocity of a receding galaxy is an artifact of the expansion; the further away it is the faster it appears/measures to be receding. Locally, the rate expansion is the same for everyone everywhere. Don't conflate the increasing rate of cosmological expansion with the recession velocity which is an apparent measurement. I find it easier to visualise myself standing on the 2D surface of an expanding sphere and everything is happening on that surface around me.
  20. This is the larva of a Click Beetle. Entomology's not my thing but looks a good match to your specimen: http://bugguide.net/images/cache/IKVKGKBK0K30EQ10NQY01Q30UQRSAQRS7KVKAQ304QD0RK6KRKD0HKT05Q6KRKWKSKWKSKA0SKEK5QA0KKWK2QEKRK.jpg
  21. No prob.
  22. A party is voted for on their manifesto. If the above things you mention are what the majority wants, that is the mandate. It is democracy.
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