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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Each longitude would have a unique mid-day and midnight time. It would, say, be 0400 and 1000 hours in one longitude and something else in another. Those terms are 'local' expressions aren't they? The adaptation necessary is breaking away from the idea of 1200 and 2400 hours being midday and midnight in all longitudes. I'm not saying we should, I'm just asking (again) what the pros and cons are.
  2. I don't know and this is a totally hypothetical question attempting to explore the possible benefits and ramifications.
  3. Yes, BST really messes with my SAD. I was trying to think of negatives for it. I thiink the fairest way would be to do a lottery of each longitude segment in a proverbial pot and picked entirely at random. Cheers. Modified my OP. That would be a recipe for failure. We'd need to start again for it to have any chance of global acceptance I think.
  4. What would be the practical consequences if everywhere on Earth had the same time with no adjustment for longitude? Edited to rename parameter from latitude to longitude.
  5. It seems root-chilling is quite important in the tropics for good yields and avoiding certain problems in temperate-climate plants. This article called Chilling The Root Zone by Dr Atomic Leow Chuan Tse goes into the details. He has also written a book called A Guide To Hydroponics published by Singapore Science Center that's probably worth acquiring as he will understand your needs and potential problems in your part of the world. It might be worth checking out other literature he's done as well.
  6. Don't dismiss soup for losing weight and prolonging the feeling of fullness.. Half the problem with carby foods is they physically compress down very quickly and lead to eating more sooner.
  7. LOL! Being about 9-10 stone with a light frame for decades I was choughed to bits, when I got weighed at a medical checkup the other day, to be told I was 11stone 7lb. Walking and cycling which are my usual modes of transport have been the bane of any weight gain for me. I've been quite sedentary the last 3-4months so was able to pack on a bit of fat.
  8. Maintenance of the nutrient concentration would be more difficult if the water was encouraged to evaporate. Mess that up and you might lose any gain from having cooler roots
  9. If you've just given smoking, your brain looking for a feelgood fix that calorie-rush snacking can give you. Cycling sorts it out as well because you are inducing endorphin production. You need to find something that makes you feel good and healthful. You are probably at a loose end when you get the snacking urge; fill the time with something else. Giving up things means you still have to fill that vacancy. You don't actually ever give up anything, you just transfer to something else. Knowing this you can channel it to something positive.
  10. Insight and maths are the complement of each other; neither is as useful alone as together
  11. Yes you did, sorry. Perhaps reduce the maximum size of packaged unit of lethal drugs.; don't allow an intravenous unit to be multi-dose. The maximum safe dose per injectable unit. It is more wasteful but which is more important; safety or economy?
  12. What about pairing up prescribers and have a workable protocol cross-checking each others prescriptions before releasing them? One step of oversight should help reduce the inicidence of errors.
  13. What does the temperature difference do for the roots if it is lower?
  14. Try Googling 'chelated iron' instead. Iron Chelate is not a compound. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/chelated-iron
  15. I see a parallel here with Tar's thread about automatic systems; how much automaticity should be allowed? When is it not appropriate?
  16. No, leave it here. They'll move the thread if they want to. You don't need to do anything.
  17. That sounds interesting. A mod will probably move this to Speculations. The little bit I know, I don't think it's done deal which came first as abiogenesis is still pretty young as a subject. The evolution of bacteria and viruses is getting very close to the first emergence of life which is what abiogenesis is about. Edited: Corrected wrong link
  18. A bacteriophage is a virus, and so, needs a host to make copies of itself due to it lacking the means to do so. What was his reasoning?
  19. Is the bacteriphage's structural simplicity a reason why it infects bacteria?
  20. I intend to make maths a little hobby for the next few years so it will be regularly in my mind. The way to get things to stick is to use as many senses simultaneously whilst you are learning something; speak to yourself as you write, type or read. Apply the principle you have just learnt to a few scenarios. I find that if you don't understand something properly and its applications you won't remember it. When I was stuck with algebra, many years ago, my grandad taught me that algebra is a language, that you read just like English, only it's in symbolic form. It's a language, not a problem. It made a big difference to how I perceived maths. A model in visual or verbal form is only easier because you aren't used to doing it mathematically. Look at your learning as an ongoing journey rather than a final destination; you'll know more tomorrow than you do today.
  21. I think internet access, prices and policies are much better and freer in the UK than the US. Giffgaff are very in tune with and encourage the feedback from its users; their polices and plans are refined by user feedback.
  22. Good for you! It will, at the very least, make you a better judge of your own work. I've just bought a few maths and physics books to enable me to go into theories more deeply and understand better how they were derived. There's only so far you can understand science without maths.
  23. In an incidendent like this, how much resources and personnel will an investigation get?
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