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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I don't think it's anywhere near that situation. It may look like impending Armaggedon to you, but this is just 'busy' for people like Putin... and even other leaders.
  2. They have issued redlines on several occasions...
  3. I don't think he'll shit in his own backyard.
  4. Well, she isn't a Dem now, so she's got to get the 2024 campaign cash from somewhere... hasn't she?
  5. I'm kind of expecting Belarussian-based Wagner units in the future. Lukashenko is too worried about his own conscripts taking flight in battle and swapping sides. Even if not planned, it seems a reasonable potential progression plan from here, based on what's just happened.
  6. Was that just a ruse to re-mobilize 25 000 Wagner fighters to be able to attack from the North? A Reuters headline: These guys committed treason, however you look at it. Or is it just strategic BS? Throwing chaff around for the next maneuver.
  7. One chap, who was his friend, said he was a lovely chap, but drank too much of his own Kool-Aid. Elon Musk is also prone to this sort of thinking.... and he wants to send people to Mars.
  8. Could the turtles bellies be adapted for when swimming near the surface, to reduce attention from predators lower down in the water?
  9. The US has just released a declassified document on where they are with it. https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Report-on-Potential-Links-Between-the-Wuhan-Institute-of-Virology-and-the-Origins-of-COVID-19-20230623.pdf
  10. It was symbolic of his approach: "It'll do."
  11. In a space like that? What spares do you take? It might not be that problem you have a spare for.
  12. The constant is the sun position, so that feature is reflected all over the globe.
  13. But built to a price, probably not adequate for a mission as critical as that. The price you pay in high-end mission critical equipment is the testing of the individual products. ie The test sampling rate on the production would be much higher than a shop bought controller.
  14. I appreciate your input. As you say, it is slippery. Would you say Emergence was conceived to fix a problem?
  15. I don't think it's that hard, but I'm used to it. Quite simply, one person can't do a Mexican wave, or any other wave because it's a collective property. Does the Mexican Wave exist in the absence of an observer, is what gets me thinking.
  16. Am I right in thinking there's nothing sinister about this, just a cock up in the containment protocols at Wuhan? Also, does it just appear to be a normal Chinese science project with some US funding that went wrong in releasing the virus? Is the wet market theory discredited now?
  17. Another thing is that it has a limited life in fishing due to uv degradation. The speed at which a rod recovers from being bent slows down over time. In fishing parlance it's called 'recovery time'. It basically goes from springy to floppy over time.
  18. Could the white underside be to retain heat, as it's more reflective?
  19. I feelthat carbon fibre stays in conformation until there's an asymmetric load on the hull, like bumping into something. I thought carbon fibre had super tensility, but crush resistance was weak? Broke too many fishing rods myself. Failure is instant.
  20. Not far off I think. Movement is the primary stimulus for detection though. Predators and prey have high contrast vision to improve acuity. Further reference: Predator perception and the interrelation between different forms of protective coloration - M Stevens In the corner of the eye: camouflaging motion in the peripheral visual field - Smart, Cuthill
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