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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. This image is a simulation of the universe at the largest scale and is reckoned to be the same all over; isotropic and homogenous. Where would the centre of gravity be in this scenario, if one existed?
  2. My immediate thought exactly! There's a touch of Douglas Adams there methinks.
  3. Ah, I see. Nothing like using different units to make a comparison clear as mud. ;p
  4. In your post you have IGM as 10 atoms to 1 atom in ISM. I haven't looked but thought it would be the other way round.
  5. I would say the better system is the one that is the most self-governing, the most inclusive and requiring the least amount of force to preserve it.
  6. UAE is only absent from flying missions until the US have better search and rescue facilities, closer to the battlefield and Jordan is acting with the coalition but also doing stuff unilaterally; you might say they are on the warpath. The peaceful Islamic nations refer to them as 'Daesh' (it means 'bigots who impose their views on others') and that's what they want other countries to refer to them as because they don't represent modern Islam. I have read lately Western leaders are starting to adopt it, which makes does sense.
  7. I think the current NATO approach in this situation is the most appropriate one. The aim should be to provide support. A full complement of NATO boots on the ground gets in the way - as the experience in Iraq and Afghanistan has shown - of those who really should be taking control: the Arabs.
  8. Is the IGM denser than the ISM?
  9. Sometimes you just need to say "Yeah ...OK".
  10. I don't think so, because at that level a person is going to be so innately-driven and talented mathematically that they will solve them regardless of their sex and perceived social disadvantage. You can make people better at maths but you can't make them geniuses at i t and that's what's required. If society wants more girls doing STEM subjects and if it wants more boys to aspire to the caring professions, such as nursing, it needs to start on it's children pre-school. It needs to remove such socially-ingrained taboos as boys playing with doll-figures and tailor them more to fit in with them and not just promoted as a purely feminine pursuit; how else are they to have the desire as a young adult if they've never practised it through play?. You can train the shape of a seedling but you can't train the shape of a fully-grown tree ...bloody difficult anyway.
  11. http://physicsforidiots.com/physics/relativity/
  12. So you could put it down to serendipitous environmental factors?
  13. Don't you think the time frames are too short for significant evolutionary separation on factors like intelligence? A quick Google in Wiki says 195 000 years for the earliest fossil record for Homo sapiens. I'm inclined to think a greater variable temperature range forced/selected more adaptable behaviours to cope with it and local natural resource availability was much greater, allowing bigger communities to be supported. This closer proximity of more individuals increased information exchange and co-operation.
  14. A thought; At human-scales, space is a pretty good vacuum but what about at scales of millions or billions of light-years? The chances of inter-molecuar collision will adjust to scale won't they and sound waves will result? You do need some seriously big phenomena, like supernovae, to get compression waves going though at that scale and the frequencies would be very low. What do you think?
  15. Working through that one will probably give you some idea.
  16. If you look here you will see the source code download link for 7Zip. No idea what you need to open it with though..Notepad just gives lots of funny symbols.. It can probably be interpreted to a higher language with the right software.
  17. You ask how to make a zip file routine then say you want to make your own? Why reinvent the wheel?
  18. Right-click on Windows Desktop > Select Compressed Zipped Folder > Copy and paste files into it.
  19. I think the idea that non-white people are intellectually inferior in some peoples' minds is a groundless hangover that's persisted from slavery days when Europe was technologically more advanced and urbanised than those born on the African/Indian continents.
  20. The message I get from that article is the Swiss government is just looking for any reason to abandon nuclear power; extremely remote negative scenarios are sufficient 'justification'. Maybe they envisage all their snow melting instantaneously somehow.
  21. It's interesting how ideas translate from other languages. I've never thought of a 'machine-building'.
  22. Liver transplant lies ahead then.
  23. The following is from a review of that paper:
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