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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. In photography, mistakes are effects that we don't want at that particular time but might prove useful later; postive thinking. Do you see surprising effects in your maths when you punch in the wrong values or operators? I think it's very important to try and glean something useful from each cock up and not beat oneself up for failing that time.
  2. I agree but most peoples' 'intuition' is based on macro-world commonsense but my main point was that it is vastly overused and never spoken of in conjunction with relevant experience. I use cameras intuitively, without thinking and just know what I need to do to get the effect I want, but it took thousands of hours reading, learning and practicing the technicalities before it became second nature.
  3. ...and: It must wrong because I don't understand it.
  4. All you need is intuition!
  5. If you look at some particular aspect of your abilities, you'll always feel the limits of it, regardless of how much you progress. The trick to continued confidence in learning something is to regularly look back and see how far you've come. Even Einstein felt his limits: “Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.” Take a tip from the body builders: No pain, no gain.
  6. John, what I said was with the sincerest of positive intentions towards you. I've spent five years on here, just skimming the maths without really getting a handle on it. I've got the general picture but I can't alter or really understand what makes up the the picture because I haven't got the required techniques to make them myself. I acknowledge that one cannot be scientifically creative without understanding it's core language; maths. I fear the path you are trying to take - just looking for answers - will ultimately be deeply unsatisfying.
  7. You want to know everything but understand nothing?
  8. Your brain is plastic; practice makes perfect.
  9. Yeah, what a bunch of Luddites as well.
  10. It appears to be the less affluent countries that are keeping the XP numbers up, which is not surprising really. Vietnam 38.79% China 27.35% India 26.88% Algeria 24.25% Italy 20.31% Spain 19.26% Russian Federation 17.40% France 12.04% Germany 8.54% United States 4.52% http://www.kaspersky.com/about/news/virus/2014/16-37-per-cent-Users-Still-Run-Windows-XP-Kaspersky-Lab-Statistics-Say
  11. I believe so.
  12. Agree. If the feeling amongst the majority population is towards lethal retribution and revenge, for particularly awful crimes, then the state is democratically obliged to act on their behalf ...this is the role of a democratically-elected government. This is irrelevant; they've passed the point of deserving rehabilitation or forgiveness.
  13. Having it on the View New Content page doesn't help. I've tried to find a way of globally omitting new posts from New Content but found no where free; you have to be a customer of IP Boards to access their advice. In general though, I think the frequency over time is generally random. If you get a particularly belligerent religious poster they are going to garner more responses and for longer, so of course, it pops up more frequently on New Content. At the end of day, if a thread is useless don't give it the oxygen of a response. Maybe the mods could set an arbitrary mental limit on the number of posts they will allow a crap thread to go on for before pulling the plug on it. It's a bit much imo when some threads can go on for 300-400 posts and they are clearly going nowhere but a ban or suspension.
  14. 我以为他写的东西很可能会成为中国人!
  15. I don't know what he meant.
  16. Couldn't the origin of the spin of a black hole come from a vortical/spiral collapse of the star rather than a radial one; the gas molecules following the spacetime curve inwards, creating increasing angular momentum as the centre gets denser? I was thinking along the lines similar to a black hole accreting material from a nearby star and how it spirals inwards rather than radially.
  17. 你的意思是什么?
  18. I do think sometimes religion appears disproportionately sometimes but in the long run it ebbs and flows.
  19. You have been unreasonably patient. You can lead a man to a book but you can't make him think.
  20. Write in the language of the reader and to their ability.
  21. Being deaf The talent and ability has to be there in the first place which he had in spades. As he receded from external sounds, his internal rythmmic sensations, like breathing and heart rate, gained more prominence in his everday awareness. It is pausible imo that he found inspiration in the rythmns of his arythmmic heart.
  22. I feel sad to read this.
  23. If one is going to be pedantic, then true black does exist because it would necessitate zero surface reflectance which AFAIK doesn't exist.
  24. I've not been on it for a while. I get very little positive social value from it. I prefer to actually meet and phone my friends. If you confine it to your personal associations and not FB "friends" it's probably better. I'm on a few FB groups about fishing and all I can say is it's a bitch-fest. I just see FB and it's ilk as data mining enterprises.
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