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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. But you understand why it's not discoverable. I think it's early days for emergentism discovery.
  2. Position and momentum is, in principle, discoverable? I interpret that as a discovery roadblock.
  3. The descent takes 4-5 hours to Titanic. They imploded 1 hour 45 minutes from the start. What do any of you with knowledge think was the likely depth range?
  4. I'm seeing it as a limit to what one can know. It's ironic, the scepticism, when physicists embrace the uncertainty preinciple. What use it is it Nothing. It just says: "You can't go there." Physical limits are endemic. Emergentism, may be one of those things. Having said that: Ludditism does occur.
  5. I think you have a strong interest in biological phenomena, so you aren't disturbed by it. It is pretty normal for biological experts to invoke it, so there's that.
  6. Your narcissism is palpable.
  7. Wales · Area Total: 20,779 km (8,023 sq mi)
  8. Apparently, it had 7 methods to surface. My friend said this morning that the Titanic wreck is spread over an area the size Wales. That's why it's so hard to locate them.
  9. It's just that she was saying that weak emergence is evident, but strong emergence is not, in the science view. At the end of the day, if didn't doesn't mean anything to you, that's fine. Cheers.
  10. It should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler - Einstein.
  11. Here you are @wei guo https://info.arxiv.org/help/submit/index.html
  12. Came across Sabine Hossenfelder's page on emergence. A physicist's view: The full transcript is at the link. https://backreaction.blogspot.com/2020/04/what-is-emergence-what-means-emergent.html @wtf
  13. Right. Cheers. This is true, but human nature is ingenious. I was a drug addict, so am familiar with the scheming one goes through to procure stuff.
  14. You get a hundred times more morphine molecules than fentanyl for the same analgesia.. The margin for error is that much less to lapse into CNS depression.. Ask Prince.
  15. Err, because it followed. I sensed a deficit in your understanding, which seems to be inflexibly mono-railed. i'm taking time out from this thread. See you later.
  16. If the singularity were real, the whole universe is contained within it. There is no 'outside'. If you conceive of an 'outside', then what does that reside in? It's a "Turtles all the way down" infinite regression argument.
  17. The closest one can get to the underlying reality is knowing all the scientific properties that describe a phenomenon, and it's usually expressed in some form of maths.
  18. General comment: people should appreciate the friction of different viewpoints and not get upset when someone smites at their long-held convictions. This is an adversarial forum, just by the nature of its core purpose: promoting and discussing science. Does one learn anything meaningful and novel in echo chambers? Are we parrots?
  19. Then you aren't familiar with the Hafele-Keating experiment, which was the original, but it has since been refined with greater precision. If your 'logic' doesn't reflect nature, it doesn't have much practical application.
  20. If you don't prevent the new injuries, you are going up a down escalator.... moving stairs.
  21. The most insane thing I ever read was that you could get fentanyl on script. I remember reading about the potency when I first heard years ago, and thought it would only be used on terminal patients and hospital settings. It would be less risky to give them heroin, being 50 times safer in terms of potency.
  22. I was thinking the MD will want them tocome back. If the patient leaves empty-handed, they'll likely go out and shop for another more agreeable one. That's probably one of the major flaws in the P/Healthcare system. With it not being centeralized nationally, with no nationally-linked main patient database system to track individual treatment histories, your average opioid addict can go to the next one, or even go out of state. That's what it looks like to me.
  23. Because money is directly involved in the patient-doctor relationship, do you think it pushes the scale of the problem upwards? When medicine becomes self-funded, I think the dynamic changes between doctor and patient, and they possibly are more likely to succumb to the patient's wishes, rather than advise what's best for them. About 9 people died every hour last year from opioids (cdc).
  24. Why don't you just split into fifty countries?
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