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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The problem is he hasn't got a coherent message. If you think he has, tell me what it is.
  2. If anybody tries the night light option, make sure you let your eyes adapt. Your eyes will adjust the colour of the light as near as it can to white, so you need to give it time to do that. Just before the point where the colourcast is obvious and too orange will give the maximum benefit, I think, without being annoying.
  3. Also, Che Guavara, Castro and other hard Left leaders. It's only superficial and doesn't bear scrutiny. It seems that way because in his acts he personally takes on the character, and is clearly very good at it. His general artistic MO is to show the underbelly of human nature and then caricaturizes it in striking ways.
  4. I agree. I can understand with Germany. RW should just shut up and let his work speak for itself.
  5. Yes, that's a point. I'm right with him on Israel, but that's just a coincidence because most of his politics I don't align with.
  6. I'm in the process of aerobically-decomposing A. Nodasum meal with select bacteria. After I have got it how I want it, how do I preserve it from producing hydrogen sulphide and other noxious gases when I put it in air-tight containers? Freezing is an option, but not really practical. Production capacity is about 10L at time. Happy to add details as required. The critters are: i've also ordered a B. Subtilis preparation for breaking down cellulose in addition. Will these make a useful amount of aliginate lyase to do the job? I can't afford the enzyme on its own - Sigma-Aldrich stuff.. Are there other methods to degrade the alginate? I never realised that seaweed was composed of little jelly-like sacs. pH target is 8 and 30c temps. I'm decomposing 2.5kg A. Nodasum in 10L. I'll be using it to buffer and charge biochar, which I will also be making.
  7. Blue is higher energy and has a higher pathologically reactive potential than the other visible colours in that situation.
  8. Given that he is using 'Nazi-like' symbolism, but only really alludes to it as a fascist example, is Germany going over the top? Waters album has been around since '79. Rogers is many things, but I don't think he's fascist. It's obvious to me as a long time fan of PF, but may look different to others. It's ironic that they let him hold a massive concert near the Brandenberg Gate (Ithink) when it toppled. He wasn't seen as a fascist then, when he used the same work.
  9. I imagine there will be a longish gimmick phase to start: "Ooh look what I can get it to do or say." I think it's going to look very fake for a decade or two, then people will stop analysing it... then the shit starts because there will be less people looking over the shoulders of the AI programmers... whatever they are called. The next big social upheaval will be humans demanding that their AI love-interest be recognised in a civil union. Hopefully, I will be deceased.
  10. StringJunky


    Why would one need to understand the culture? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-confidence_motion_against_Imran_Khan#:~:text=Numerous opposition parties joined forces,motion in the Lower House.&text=Shehbaz Sharif becomes the new,being convicted on many cases.
  11. It's having to juggle those balls simultaneously - state, national, geopolitical - that filters out the serious extremists. He hasn't got any wiggle room and will have to increasingly prevaricate and muddle his stated agenda nearer 2024 to get the swing-vote. Trump has a licence by his followers to do anything.
  12. I'm really looking forward to seeing the triple somersaults and backspins accomodating partisan/national and projected US global priorities in the De Santis camp over the coming months. Having a poker-face when rallying or talking to reporters is not amenable to gaining votes either. Clarence Thomas can get away with his perma-rigid facial expression because he has a job for life
  13. It's a problem when you are part of a nation that purports to lead global democratic values... it is an oxymoronic/counterproductive attitude. This is what polarized national politics looks like to the rest of the world. China will be more than happy to fill the vacant geopolitical hotspots if it gets too crazy. Let's not forget that the 'rest of the world' is not just W. Europe and does not have the same collective mindset and expectations... our priorities are not necessarily the same. If the US wants to go its own way, it needs to stop talking like it's leading a global team. That's the conundrum the GOP in particular have to face. They can't be "All-American" at the expense of the other nations.
  14. We seek a controllable equilibrium in our individual life activities , but everbody else in our sphere has other ideas.
  15. it seems, if they don't do things our Western way, they are primitive. Even Ursula Von Der Leyen complimented Israel and at the same time swiped at the Palestinians the other day. Is Nomadic not a legitimate way to live?
  16. From the outside, it appears thus. The Americans act like it's Coronation Day in the UK everyday. Everytime I put US news on there's a flag waver.
  17. Lithium deuteride is the tritium/deuterium source.
  18. In those days, lawnmowers didn't have dead-mans handles and other safety features. Stuff that is plastic now were probably metal then.
  19. I had a cousin in Australia who was killed by electrocution from a faulty lawnmower fifty or so years ago.
  20. The weren't meant for people of normal cognition. They were designed to test the needs of impaired people, so that the appropriate help could be applied.
  21. Research Tesla, they apparently rely on Musk making news.
  22. Yes, I'm not implying causation. It's more of a request how I would approach this as a hypothetical question, with a view to seeing if there is a pattern and also possible confounding factors. Thanks for the pointers.
  23. What questions would I ask a search engine to get the data and possible fruitful search strings on the subject?
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