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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. .I used translator and still have no idea what you said to me.. Google Translator did not know how to convert from "Tamarian Language".. yet.. The thing with my neighborhood saleswoman is that she claims that even if she gets many millions in the lottery, she will still work in a grocery store.. which I highly doubt.. Sorry Sensei, understrood.. The scenario you put forward is not the same equivalence. The woman who wins the lottery is not the same as someone who wants a payrise.
  2. Irrelevant. I'm surprised you even brought that up. Getting something for a dollar - a lottery ticket - and working for it are hardly comparable.
  3. Also: revue noun [ C ] (also review) UK /rɪˈvjuː/ US /rɪˈvjuː/ Add to word list a show with songs, dances, jokes, and short plays often about recent events
  4. We had green rolling blackboard screens as well. 1972-77. We did call them 'chalkboards' as well.
  5. That would be called 'emergent'.
  6. My thought too. That needs to be eliminated first before looking for more exotic explanations.
  7. I think the gold standard amongst the AI-consuming public for what constitutes an acceptable human-like response will be much lower. If it tells you what you think you want to hear on human-level of consistency, i.e. not perfectly consistent , I think it will be enough for most folk. in fact, I think a 'perfect' response everytime would actually reveal its source. There needs to be jitter built-in probably. i feel that some who are sceptical of 'sufficiently complex' and emergent-process models are inadvertently backing themselves into a Cartesian duality stance.
  8. Not necessarrily, if an employee feels valued, they'll feel better about coming into work and could get more done in the same time. If they feel better about that, they'll make less mistakes and they'll probably go the extra mile when needed and their company don't have to hire temp staff. If you pay peanuts, people will act like monkeys... they don't care and probably fool around. Fooling around can be just looking at phones, quiet small-scale vandalism etc. As a coincidence, a frigate being fitted out in Scotland had a load of its data/power cables damaged through a pay dispute.
  9. What do you want it to absorb?
  10. Soggy Bottom was probably a bog/marsh area. In the US there's Froggy Bottom and that was named for its land type. I find it interesting that street names denote what the area was and maybe the only clue. Being 61, I've seen places disappear under street/ road signs and commerce and that's all that's left.
  11. Does it matter if it responds as you would expect? How do I know that you personally don't have an AI source running inside you?
  12. Things that are easily disassembled could be sent to be dipped and stripped by a commercial service, then you'll just have the immovable bits to do. That way you are reducing exposure.
  13. Prighozin has been a useful indicator regarding overall Russian infantry morale. Do people think China and Russia place too much confidence in being the biggest countries geographically, and having a much larger armed conscription ability? I don't think nuclear capability comes into it either because everyone is too close... these are not scalpels. All combatants desire to control the areas likely to be nuked. I quote the immortal Spock: "It's not logical, Captain..."
  14. Parole is strategically rationed as well.
  15. I think they promised a clean charge sheet and other benefits. Prison life is very hard there, apparently.
  16. The convicts have been used for sacrificial, attritional WW1-style seige tactics. Five or six at a time, used as canaries, to pinpoint Ukrainian positions when they return fire. My main source for the details is the US ISoW. It's obviously pro-NATO, but it seems reasonably consistent. Moscow Times as well to try and get some insight from the pro-Democracy Russian side.
  17. I think they use the emission spectra from a type 1A Supernova as a standard candle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_Ia_supernova
  18. The problem is when one thinks of 'the universe' as an object, it means that you intuitively have to put it in something... a metaphorical container.
  19. Corded appliances are the pits where they have to be moved and manipulated. I get 2 or 3 years out of Makita or Bosch Green batteries, which are the tool systems I've bought into. Don't know about unleaded rules over the pond, but we have gone on to E10 petrol/gas, which is not great for engines. The petrol will absorb more water in storage. I use a petrol preservative to mitigate it.
  20. Send a text greeting, especially with teens. because their eyes never leave the fucking screen.
  21. From what I undestand, not much, experiments, like LIGO, detect gravitational waves, which may allow scientists to infer things they can't measure directly.
  22. The pre-Planck Universe was not a space to be filled. Until you put objects in it spatial distance didn't exist probably nor did time.
  23. I've just started doing that and just needed to flip the buttons to preserve symmetry.
  24. @swansont Some sites change the username to 'guest'. I remember a US site changed mine to 'Liberal Something'. Made me laugh.
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