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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I hear he's ordered a 32ft table to replace the 16ft table...
  2. My feeling is that Russia is going to be floundering very shortly unless they call a national mobilisation. I read some days ago from comments by military analysts that they need at least a million combat-capable personnel to see out their objectives. Every Ukrainian locality they take, they have to leave some behind to hold that fort before moving on to the next, The transfer of people from the east to the south recently has highlighted this issue.
  3. Yeah, of course it was. We can trust the Russians to do a transparent referendum. Wake up. This has been a regular theme in my readings.
  4. Her official name is Elizabeth Regina and she always signed off 'Elizabeth R'. That is 'Elizabeth Queen' translated. 'Her Majesty' is just like 'Mr' or 'Mrs' for us. You need to consider the cost of replacement logistically, materially and socially of moving to a republic setup.
  5. The flow is running all over the aircraft exterior, so it's reversed , the pressure direction is inwards instead of outwards. They will never fly upwards because there's another molecule above that one. The laminar flow will follow the contour of the aerofoil. You need to think of the air as a smooth fluid because the air molecules are reacting in concert and not in isolation.
  6. Why does, it seems, everything have to go to court before a legislature can execute policy in the US? It seems to me the Judges are more powerful than the politicians and it's they, due to their accepted expressed political bias, de facto run the country?
  7. Even Putin is doing her the honours, despite the conflict. I noticed he snubbed Gorbachev's funeral. Strange time. The shutdown schedule is commencing:
  8. That's the effect she has on some people. I'm guessing her funeral is going to be like no other. 'Flowery' is going to be a major thing for the near future here. I shall miss seeing her hats!
  9. If you start at the front where the air splits into two halves, the top flow close to the wing surface, whch is humped and lthus onger compared to the straighter bottom surface, must arrive at the same time at the rear of the wing where they join back up. To satisfy that condition the top flow has to travel faster. Bringing in Bernoulli, the faster air at the top puts less pressure on the top half than the bottom half, giving us lift.
  10. I forget the details. Although it has been just a formal ritual, The Royal Assent is like the final consent by the monarch, which they could in principle refuse to give. The armed forces, judiciary technically serve the monarch. Obviously, the monarch has advisers and they inform them if political procedures have been correctly executed according to law. If we had a potential despotic ruling party/leader, they can command the security services to not obey illegal political orders from the errant leadership. Something like that. The monarchy is, in principle, an insurance against catastrophic political instability. I remember reading a comment on loyalty by a naval officer just after the Falklands war saying: "I'm dying for no bloody politician".
  11. In her last public photo she looked just like anybody's grandma, I thought, like, finally she'd done away with her usual deportment and facial control. She was just herself... a smiling old lady. A fitting final image.
  12. Try this:
  13. I don't think so. Electrostatic repulsion keeps things separate at the atomic level that aren't chemically combined. I picture the effect on the respective magnetic fields of two magnets with like polarities facing each other and trying to pushing each other away. There will be distortion in their respective fields where they meet but no crossover or penetration.
  14. Nobody is here to spoonfeed you. The way CharonY has responded to you is perfectly in line with how scientists format their replies.
  15. Why? All he's saying is what his base wants to hear, or thinks they want to hear. He's the kind of person that will sing a different political song as the occasion requires. He strikes me as a cheap-car-salesman type.
  16. Visualization of the fossil fuels we use.
  17. Tick all boxes that apply, not just one.
  18. There's always some parasitic discharge somewhere in a cell, isn't there?
  19. That depends on the wiping protocol. It could be the equivalent of all 0's or 1's or some other pattern.
  20. That's what you get for not seeing a serious question. In traditional sayings there is often some element of truth, but the relations contained in them are actually generally tenuous on closer inspection, in modern terms, where we have more resources to test ideas. I think this is one of those examples.
  21. Only because news of their deaths is tightly controlled and kept fragmented so that no one can see the whole picture. I'm sure if the news was distributed Western-style, there would be wider outrage and social unrest.
  22. I read this: Get some white vinegar in a dropper and put some partially on the gold object in small container, such that not all of the object is wetted. Leave it 5-8 minutes and see if there is any difference in colouration between the exposed area and unexposed area. If you see no difference, it's pure. This a is yay or nay test and won't tell you the proportion.
  23. It seems that China is trying to move on Taiwan whilst they think the US is tied up with Ukraine.
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