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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. At least that's one position they can't shoot from.
  2. Russia has vacated Snake Island.
  3. Comparing Cassidy H. with Trump: Guess who's the one with the fur coat and no knickers? She's a credit to her profession.
  4. You said it!
  5. 'Surely' is not a word we can confidently use when talking about US law.
  6. Can the Justice Department prosecute him? Is a president not equal under the law?
  7. What do we think of Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony today?
  8. How does forcing black women to have their unwanted babies facilitate white people, when it actually facilitates the future black vote. If I were a racist politician with a view to future demographics I would be facilitating non-white abortions.
  9. Striking whilst the iron's hot.
  10. @zapatos Of course. Thanks.
  11. Don't get it.
  12. Russian sites are getting attacked some miles across the border. They are in an unwinnable situation ultimately. They are using relentless attrition tactics atm, that attrition will be directed at them soon enough. Seiging is one thing, holding is another.
  13. The Russians for all their gains will have long term internal resistance from guerrillas to deal with. A Russian-installed city leader was blown up in their car a few days ago.
  14. A wise man. The present SC and GOP doesn't do his words justice. I don't think the founders of the US Constitution ever imagined it to be like the Ten Commandments.
  15. The general standard is when a fetus becomes viable to birth and have a reasonable chance of survival... about 24 weeks. The reason for pro-choice is so that each individual pregnant woman can decide where that line is for themselves... they have to live with the consequences of their decision, not us.
  16. I don't really know what to say. The SC is not apolitical and the Constitution, modern though it was in it's day, is like the Ten Comandments of The Bible today: archaic. How can a court ban something that is acceptable to more than 50% of a population, or even a significant minority? Quite honestly, I'd just pack the SC.
  17. “It’s the best Supreme Court the 19th Century has yet produced.” — Stephen King
  18. What is the point of their existence otherwise?
  19. From Clarence, I can only say 'Moron': CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS, IN A CONCURRING OPINION: "Because the Court properly applies our substantive due process precedents to reject the fabrication of a constitutional right to abortion, and because this case does not present the opportunity to reject substantive due process entirely, I join the Court's opinion." "For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold (which protected the right to contraception), Lawrence (which invalidated state laws banning sodomy), and Obergefell (which legalized gay marriage nationwide)." "Substantive due process conflicts with that textual command and has harmed our country in many ways. Accordingly, we should eliminate it from our jurisprudence at the earliest opportunity."
  20. The day has come.
  21. I had a lens I tried to sell to a camera shop and was told it it had mould on the inside surface. That was unfixable because it was in the coating.
  22. If the surface is damaged cerium oxide powder might polish it out. Jewller's rouge (iron oxide) is another, but cerium oxide is finer.
  23. You are here to defend your thesis, and that means not to keep using your article as it's own evidence. Your approach is getting annoying. The best explanation for consciousness I've seen involves sufficient system integration and sufficient complexity. What is 'sufficient'? We can't know until we can observe and quantify it. That is the nature of an emergent property.
  24. Whatever we construct we are replicating some existing configuration of nature; we don't conceive of patterns/designs in a vacuum. No teleogy required.
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