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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. What's wrong with this? This one hints at body dimensions, but is less conclusive:
  2. @iNowWhat I was saying earlier about Russian's depleting resources:
  3. I'll try and watch them all. Thanks.
  4. lol Are they doing it everyday in the week? That lasted two hours. I can handle that.
  5. They could try that again, in black areas in conservative-controlled districts where gun-nuts are clamouring for open-carry. Loan every black American a Colt 45 and holster. Gun control may well become top of the NRA/ Republican agenda again. I'm not kidding, I reckon they'd do a 180 pronto.
  6. I watched the beginning. Cheney does speaking well. She doesn't look like she's reading, like the others so far.
  7. Yeah, I watched it. If this doesn't open peoples minds I don't know what will. I think it's going to be hard to watch some of it. No guesses where Donald is right now.
  8. It's just started today. Here it is on YT. For the UK it looks like it starts at 1am and will last a few weeks.
  9. Theory is a good as it gets. You don't have a theory until it's recognised as one by qualified others. At best you have a hypothesis, regardless of how solid you think it is. Your peers decide, not you.
  10. He's already said why in that same post: physics.
  11. Not correct, mutation is a spontaneous corruption of part of the genetic information somewhere on a DNA/RNA strand caused by some environmental factor, which could be caused by a virus. When viruses replaces a host cell's genetic information, it's called 'molecular hacking'.
  12. I don't think Kim has expansionist aspirations. I think his issue is just an existential one for the continuity of his family dynasty. His isolation feeds his paranoia. Militarily, Russia's forces are depleting and it probably wouldn't require all of NATO's resources to deal with them, some of which can be directed to contain China.
  13. In science beliefs are worthless because it requires evidence and logical rigor for anyones thoughts or ideas to pass its scrutiny and be generally accepted. Religion and God is not falsifiable, which means there is no test we can perform, or even concieve of one, to verify the veracity of religious ideas. There are good scientists that have religious beliefs, but they don't mix them up. Their respective functions in peoples lives are different and for the most part irreconcilable. There is nothing to gain for the two modes of thought to cross swords. .
  14. If that's the case, it would make more sense to directly intervene sooner than later. Perhaps it might be the lesser of two evils. I'd hate to see us get in a mess and then be forced anyway to get directly involved. I think Putin is fighting an existential battle now because he will likely be finished if he fails.
  15. Ah right, OK. Do you think the increasing detrimental effects on the rest of the world and domestic discontent caused by high prices etc will eventually catalyse our direct military involvement in this war? It's looking like our electric bills will be up about 100% by the end of the year compared to the beginning of the year, as an example.
  16. Sorry, I meant domestically in Russia. The Russian population will be kicking off.
  17. It seems to me like the Kremlin is anticipating and insuring itself against possible public disorder caused by their aggression in Ukraine, if/when the truth of it activities starts to seep into it's blinded populace and they start to react against it:
  18. FYI Arete is an expert geneticist, he teaches it at university-level. It's not totally random. Certain natural processes are fully deterministic . That means their behaviour is predictable, but the random or accidental part is when that predictable behaviour will occur. For instance, if two single reactable molecules are put in an enclosed space, at some point they will collide and form a new predictable compound, but we don't know when. Multiply that with an exponential number of reactable particles over an exponential amount of time, we get evolution, whereby these discrete reactions accumulate into discrete systems, increasing in complexity to what we have today. @iNow cool
  19. I missed Halley's comet in 1986 due to cloud and told myself then I'm going to have stay alive until I'm 99 when it comes around again. 39 more years. It's just passed the halfway mark of 75-76 years.
  20. I'm the same on sound. Jangly new strings are not my cup of tea. Try the Ernie Balls I mentioned, they have that played-in sound straightaway and aren't premium priced. Get the guage that suits your taste and I wouldn't leave them on for more than a year, 6 months would be better. On a 000 size, probably 11-52 or 12-54 would probably be the optimal range. 000 necks are a touch shorter with closer fret spacing than dreads, so the strings will feel slightly more bendy for the guage. I had a 000 built, my nephew has it now. Nice comfortable size.
  21. Ernie Ball Earthwood Bronze 80/20 12-54's and 11-52's. They vary in core wire guage, wrap wire guage and wrap wire composition and core wire composition in any combination of those and there is also the subjective stiffness on the fingers. Unless you specifically like the dead string sound, between 1-3 months would be about right. Leaving them until they corrode is asking for your face or eyes to get whiplashed by a broken B or E string one day.
  22. I got called a string junky when I was trying out so many different guitar string sets on my new guitar of the time, trying to find the perfect ones.
  23. i think it's best you discuss your ideas in a forum where people are more receptive to your preferred version of the Universe and Earth's history. A literal religious interpretation and scientific conversation put together are like oil and water.
  24. I am not totally and permanently committed to any idea if new evidence suggests otherwise. When one has a belief, it means one is necessarily intransigent to new thoughts. I'm not going to argue with those commonly expressed misconceptions you just posted as it would be a waste of my time, since you believe something, do you not?
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