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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Brevity leads to more potential interpretations, potentially.
  2. Is it right that when you apply energy to separate quarks, new quark pairs are formed from each one once a certain threshold is reached? This is why they can never exist in the free state? I read a some Quora posts yesterday from a couple of physics professors that mentioned this.
  3. I am totally open-minded, and there is nothing you can say to change that.
  4. Isn't that what gluons do?
  5. If it was reversed, I would probably be watching the women's game. I can't exclude the fact that I'm my age group and it's all I know.
  6. Aren't you projecting a monolithic viewpoint that you think women have? Again: I watch football because they are men, I'm not interested in the female style of play. Note that I said "style of play" and not "men are better footballers than women". As a parallel, consider,say, pre-sixties football style was much more physical and aggressive, with balls that weighed a ton wet. Compared to them, modern footballers are frail, athletic gazelles... they wouldn't last five minutes playing then.
  7. I'm on the old side. It's not always the case, but paradigm social change, like towards less rigid notions of gender, perhaps require generational lengths of time to become 'normal'.
  8. I'm on the wrong side of 60.
  9. The first thing that needs to change before things like this can be largely embraced is that the old farts need to embark on their heavenly travels. Their page is already printed.
  10. Why, are they going to win all the competitions?
  11. I get it now, he's preaching to the choir.
  12. Call me thick but I don't get it.
  13. This an example of what's wrong: gun ownership and handling is not treated with enough respect. Get this:
  14. The Russian military bloggers have apparently been moaning about the problems the army has been having and that it is so hard to get passed their own government's propaganda for reliable information.
  15. Yes, that's another approach. We 've discussed this many times over the years I've posted here, and it's just the same hand-wringing every time there's a massacre. The system seems set up to resist change. An influential number of Americans love their guns too much.
  16. Next... we know what's wrong.
  17. 100000's of years is too short for observable evolution, AFAIK. We can only measure H. sapiens existence on that scale.
  18. I think it's a case of men have had more opportunities to play sport and was less culturally acceptable until more recently.
  19. The strength required, as I said, is holding yourself off the horse in the correct postion. It's not easy. The movements you make to signal to the horse in any given situation for each section of the race is part of what separates the best jockeys from the ok ones. Everything I've written is by people that know, not my opinion.
  20. Maybe one should ask oneself if the horse can tell the difference between a man and a woman riding it. I doubt it. A woman can apply the same skills to a horse as a man. The only strength a person needs is that which mantains their optimal relative position to the horse so that it can run as unimpeded as possible. The contact with the horse should be as minimal as possible for the same reason. You have to be a strong, fit person to race a horse, but that strength is for carrying you in that optimal position for the duration of a race. A woman is just as capable of doing this as a man. She is carrying her own weight, and nothing else, just like a man does.
  21. The only thing I can think that might make a difference is whether horses respond better to commands, on average, to a deep voice or higher-pitched voice when being urged in a competitive situation. All else being equal.
  22. What temperature do you need to drink that at, -14c?
  23. Aussie beer needs to be cold to mute the taste of it. English beer has to be made properly to be able to drink it at the temperature we do... it's not just about getting arseholed.
  24. What does the 3 localized density gradients suggest to you, does it mean anything?
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