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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Is it down to the degree of incline of the landmass edge that dictates tide height i.e steeper inclines causes higher tide heights?
  2. I would say so.
  3. I think art is a means to abstract elements of ones subjective experiences and observations in a novel way. It distinguishes from literal and accurate descriptions or works that attempt to convey the world as might be agreed by multiple observers.
  4. Yes, until superluminal travel is a thing, even if only on paper, visiting aliens are pie in the sky for me. I am pretty confident life exists alsewhere, but just not in travelling distance. I have had what I think was a schizophrenia-like vocal hallucination telling me to "Have courage", which was just the strangest experience, but I'd been mostly awake for a week or so and was coming down off stimulants. I couldn't moan anyway, the voice was benevolent. My rationale eventually told me it was 'subconcious me' telling myself something, but somebody less insightful and self aware could well think a spirit was speaking to them.
  5. Auditory pareidolia. Being pretty deaf, I experience it several times a day, it's just my brain trying to deal with a poor signal in my case.
  6. Yeah, they aren't aggressive in the sense that they'll bite you on sight but the two I know will politely put their teeth on your hand if you try and stroke them. As long as you ignore them they'll even lie down near you. They aren't instinctively sociable like, say, a Staffordshire. That is a dog that's made/nurtured to be fierce by their owner, aggression towards people is not part of their usual behaviour. I think there are general behavioural trends with breeds.
  7. Try cosying up to a chow chow, when you aren't in its family.
  8. Too many variables to make a generalized prediction. Environmental conditions of storage are very important. In any sample, all the seeds don't die at once, their viability, expressed as %, diminishes over time. Warm-humid and changing conditions is the worst, dry-frigid, after preparing the internal average moisture, is best... probably centuries. A fridge will keep most viable for maybe 5-10 years. In a cool, dark place, place maybe a couple of years.
  9. That mutual observational agreement is called 'intersubjective consensus'. That's as close as we can be to being objective.
  10. I think when you get over 40, I don't think age makes that much difference to any more perceived maturity... you are what you are passed that age.
  11. Wow! Fucking Hell! A first, Russia actually hit a legitimate target for the first time in two months.
  12. That's what it boils down to, any useful resources should be pointed at the problem to avoid that misery .
  13. AFAIK, the evidence seems to suggest that trans-women are not as strong/fast as cis-men. The treatment reduces it. They are only allowed the same testosterone levels, amongst other things, as is normal for cis-women. I've only seen one trans-person win in a major event, so far. If trans-women were winning across the board, I think discussions would be had and steps would be taken.
  14. But the question to ask is: "Are trans-women winning disproportionately?"
  15. I agree, but I bet his meeting tables are twice as long now and everything is tasted by someone else first. It must be disconcerting to know the range of options a potential Russian assassin has available....
  16. The point of that piece is that the Indians, by sharing, removed a problem, which was poverty. It doesn't solve all forms of crime but it sorts a big one. The other point was that materialism wasn't held to such a high regard, like other cultures do.
  17. We can rely on Trump to be inconsistent until he finds his next opportunity.
  18. Maybe he'll mess up one day and borrow more than he has. His wealth is in stock, which is based largely on the speculative whims of his companies investors. He may leave no buffer, and if Tesla tanks, he's up the creek without a paddle. In my memory he's gone from $20B to 10-12 times that in an incredibly short space of time. I have a feeling that the bulk of his wealth is too vulnerable and he could become a cropper, with it being tied in loans. I don't think he's money-oriented per se, he seems to be using it to pursue his various agendas, and he seems to be pushing hard. E2A Just realized, my post is largely the same as Arete is suggesting.
  19. Will this give Trump an opening for him to return? Any other predictions/motives regarding Musk doing this?
  20. Was there a more useful way to do it?
  21. Inspired by another thread, I thought it might be good to have a place to put funny or otherwise notable ambiguities, and any comments about them in general Here's some that have been posted already elsewhere by TheVat: Kids make nutritious snacks Miners refuse to work after death Panda mating fails, veterinarian takes over Old school pillars are replaced by alumni One I've found: A woman in the UK gives birth every 48 seconds
  22. I know what you mean. Ron De Santis, MTG, Gaetz et al, they are almost caricatures. From a middle-of-the-road non-partisan uk position, the moderate US politics very much leans to the right, so the people I mentioned come across as quite rabid to me. MTG is just one scary mother...
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