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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The operators were not slap-happy, they were inexperienced. The blue light may have been Cherenkov radiation reflecting from the reactor in to the air through the blown off top of the reactor housing. https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2019/08/19/6360617742329267503/1024x576_MP4_6360617742329267503.mp4
  2. 'Right of Way', relates to walkers and cyclists using paths and tracks due to historical use. If a path or track is used continuouslyfor more than 13 years, iirc, it becomes a right of way in terms of access to those users and cannot be blocked to them.
  3. Except if WVM gets caught, he's liable by default now. There's no legal contest. Most pedestrians will use their commonsense and check for in-turning traffic, and I think most pedestrians will just let them turn in before crossing. I'm totally deaf wrt things I can't see and it may cover my ass when I forget to look behind me, although I usually do.
  4. Yes, they are still stuck in certain mindsets, where many people were in the UK pre-30-40 years ago. The more progressive people were called the 'Loony Left' iirc. It's fear of the unknown.
  5. You need to stop just focusing on the official Russian version of events.
  6. It depends much on what media echo chambers you spend your time in. He has clearly motivated the less intellectually able and naive, as well as those more able who see him as a vehicle for their own personal advancement. America is a big country with a lot of isolated people distributed thinly and not well-connected compared those those in the big cities.... he appeals to the former, it seems.
  7. Here's hoping one of his misdemeanors takes him out of circulation before then.
  8. I think we are looking at this wrong due to looking at in isolation. We only have to look for the actual founding parents of the domestic chicken:
  9. I think this is a case of just because we might not know here doesn't mean it wasn't a transfer from some older medical technique or concept. I agree with Peterkin that no idea is conceived in a vacuum.
  10. You can get battery ones as well.
  11. The ice box, if it has one, will be unusable in no time if it has one, from condensing and freezing more moisture due to inceased exposure to external ambient air. A comfort plug light for children would be ideal and addresses the need for low intensity.
  12. I think a fair few synthesised drugs are just analogues of material found in nature. Aspirin is salicylic acid with an acetyl group attached. Salicylic acid, from willow bark, was the original drug used for headaches etc, then chemists found out how to copy it and make it more refined with a predictable dosage. With raw materials you don't know how much of the active ingredient you are taking or impurities that may be harmful.
  13. Placebo is a potent effect. I have pretended a yellow Smartie;/M&M will kill my headache, and it does. Headache tablets work in a few minutes. I've had a nagging toothache for days, then I walk into a dentist and it subsides. Powerful stuff, the mind.
  14. They are viewed less scientifically because they haven't, thus far, passed scientific scrutiny for claimed treatments. That's why it's seen as snake oil. Absolutely. I've had a lot of experience in the past with cannabis, "herb"' is a common euphemism, and I think I understand it quite well, and where it might be useful for things like stress management, but the claims made for thc, cbd and other derivatives just makes my eyes roll. It seems to me these people are trying to justify their recreational use by referring to medical research for particular applications as a justification for using it recreationally; if they are honest with themselves. I just wanted to get out of my head to block the world out and feel different... escapism, basically. It was symptomatic of a problem I had, rather than a solution.
  15. I read earlier that it's been noticed everytime something has been suggested, he's done a 180 after pressure from both houses and Europe. Just read today he said the US will not turn it into WW3 by having US personnel actively fighting.... He has a good approach: says 'no', then waits for the feedback and what consensus there is for the idea. Consensus is critical in this scenario. I think those SU-29's that's been offered, and he's said 'no' to, will wing there way to Ukraine.
  16. You'll be interested to know that: On topic:
  17. I meant in principle. Apparently, some English soldiers, four I think, have gone AWOL to go there. As an analogy this situation is like you and I playing chess, but I've got Gary Kasporov secretly texting me moves. It's Gary that's really playing you. I'm his proxy.
  18. I know, I'm following many sources very frequently. Putin's current suspected false flag ruse is to shell from Ukraine into Belarus to try and get Lukushenko to attack from there in retaliation. Apparently, he's presently strongly resisting overtures from Putin to join in. Also, it seems, from Reuters, the US and Europe are working flat out to get high spec arms to Ukraine. It seems they are very impressed with how Ukraine is making use of what they have and are being given, and want to assist militarily as far as possible without being directly involved. Quite frankly, we are already at war with Russia, but we just haven't said the words. Russia is hoping to intercept these arms and give them to the Donbass militia. Also, Syrian volunteers are going to join in for Russia shortly.
  19. I found a site that explains how to remove/hide your viewing history in Netflix and, hopefully, they can start the serving algorithm from scratch on demand. They aren't tech savvy, except as consumers. That lack of diversity you have on Prime may be due to the suggestion algorithm. Perhaps find out how to remove your history , so that the algorithm can be reset. As an experiment try creating a new viewer account and compare what your current and new account serves you. I think it's worth investigating because, I'm sure you would agree, this suggestion algorithm is pernicious if not controlled. @studiot I hope you don't think this kind of post is a distraction from your intended subject. I think finding out ways of being aware and taking control can help us have a more personally satisfying media experience.
  20. This video of a Russian captured soldier confirms those orders. He seems to be under no emotional duress when he speaks. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/ukraine/video-2635029/Video-Captured-Russian-soldier-says-ordered-shoot-civilians.html
  21. Yes, originally it was because I couldn't hear it properly anymore. TV's are better now and I have options to address my deafness with it but watching other peoples TV's convinces me it's not worth having. The internet takes up that kind of leisure time because I am more at home with the written word. I think listening to someone speak is several times slower than I can read, even if I could hear it.
  22. An algorithm would get with bored you.
  23. Same with streaming media programme lists, same with google search if you never remove your cookies, which probably most mobile phone users don't. I haven't had a TV for for nearly 20 years, so this is really noticeable to me when I go to a friend's home and watch Netflix sometimes. His family's Netflix choices get narrower over time, and they end up bored with it because it now only gives them what they wanted before. They still carry on watching the same genres though. You don't want chocolate ice cream everyday, but that's what the likes of Netflix, Google, et al do, gradually restrict your choices and force you into a rut that becomes ingrained. Brainwashing basically. Social media is not distorting reality as such,.it has increased our exposure to exponentially more realiities than pre-internet times. We are overwhelmed by the number of windows we can see through. On any given night, pre-90's, probably 30-50% might be watching the same programmes at any given time, quite often. Eastenders, Coronation Street, and televised national events easily pulled 25 million viewers ... that was half the UK population on one channel.... one window of reality. That doesn't happen now because of the plethora of media choices. Us older ones sense this but we often don't realise why. Nationally, countries populations used to share a common media reality, and now we don't. I'm afraid us older ones are the new Luddites, as happens with every generational change, and the younger ones will seamlessly accept it because they know nothing else. The consequence of the internet is that there is much less local, national and global synchronicity of shared perceptions and intersubjective realities, therefore, the chances of sharing the same opinions within large groups is much reduced now. This is a major reason, I think, for the increasing disharmony in the world now.
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